The most recent threats came into JCC’s located in Missouri and Pennsylvania; both began “I’ll be there at 12 to bomb your facility you Ukranian Jew filth i got bombs there now.”
Steven Salaita, scheduled to speak on March 23rd, was denied tenure from his teaching position at the University of Illinois after a series of his antisemitic social media posts were discovered.
A synagogue in Farmington Hills said it received a bomb threat that turned out to be a hoax according to an email sent to members of Temple Adat Shalom.
Anthony Bottom, also known as Jalil Muntaqim, a member of the domestic terror group, murdered three police officers in cold blood will be speaking on April 6th.
Pictures show at least two swastikas and a number associated with white supremacy that was spray-painted on the back of the old Borough Elementary School on Prospect Street in Stratford.
Faculty at Dzántik’i Héeni Middle School in Juneau discovered a covered play area had been vandalized Tuesday with antisemitic graffiti and crude language.
The Lawrence School District reported that two swastikas were etched on a metal plate in a hallway of the elementary school portion of the Broadway campus that also houses the middle school.
The state government announced last year it would ban the public display of the Nazi swastika, but a lack of movement around the issue has meant there are no penalties for those displaying the symbolism.
Footage shows the suspect began his spree at East 69th Street and Fifth Avenue between 4:30 and 5:30 a.m. on Feb. 16th, ultimately defacing seven privately owned cars.
On Wednesday March 9th the Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo let staff and members know that it was one of at least three North American JCCs to receive threats on social media.
Residents in a Granada Hills neighborhood woke up to find that an RV, which has been abandoned near their homes for months, was vandalized and spray painted with swastikas and hate speech.