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Antisemitic 'GDL' Flyers Target Jewish Home in Long Island

The Huntington Town Board is denouncing an antisemitic flyer that was left at a Jewish family's home earlier this week. At the top of the flyer, "Let's Go Brandon" is written, which is a rallying cry for some conservatives. The next line says, "Every single aspect of the Biden administration is Jewish."

Below the words were photos of Cabinet members and advisors with Israeli flags next to each picture.

The flyer, which was only left at the Jewish family's home, also bears the insignia of the Goyim Defense League. NGO StopAntisemitism, a leading non-partisan US-based organization fighting and exposing Jew hatred, has been tracking the Goyim Defense League’s (GDL) movement across the nation.

StopAntisemitism previously named the hate group’s leader, Jon Minadeo II, their “Antisemite of the Week.” Minadeo has made it his mission to target & harass the Jewish communities across America, both in person & online.

"I firmly believe you have a right to say what you want to say, but we have a responsibility to correct the record when what you say is hurtful, absurd, not true," said Huntington Town Councilman Dave Bennardo.

Town officials say police have been notified and the Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force is involved.

Bennardo says it's not clear if a crime was committed but calls out the flyer as hateful speech - saying it has no place in the Town of Huntington.

Rabbi Yakov Saacks, of Chai Center Dix Hills, says the hateful act against Jewish people has become like an everyday occurrence but urges everyone to have pride in who they are. "Whoever we are, whichever race, creed or gender, you have to have pride and the minute someone stops you from having that pride, you've lost and they've won," Saacks says.

Knife-Wielding Man Shouts 'I Love Hitler' at London Jews Celebrating Purim

A knife-wielding man harassed London Jews leaving a Stamford Hill synagogue on Purim, screaming antisemitic abuse at them.

The assailant reportedly yelled “Heil Hitler, I love Hitler” at congregants as they exited the Darenth Road synagogue, according to Campaign Against Antisemitism.

The threatening encounter was made public by Stamford Hill Shomrim. The volunteer neighborhood patrol organization stated that the suspect has been arrested. NGO StopAntisemitism shared the information from Shomrim on their social media platform.

Stamford Hill Shomrim said they “responded to a male hurling racist abuse – "Heil Hitler, I love Hitler" – at Jewish worshipers leaving a synagogue during Purim in Darenth Rd.”

They added that the assailant was “arrested by [Metropolitan] Police for Hate Crime & possession of a knife.”

Campaign Against Antisemitism noted that Home Office statistics show that approximately five hate crimes are experienced per day in England and Wales by Jews. Members of the community are also five times more likely to be targeted than any other religion.

Nazi Flags in Chicago Apartment Windows Cause Outrage

Neighbors in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood are distressed over Nazi flags flying in the window of an apartment.

The Jewish advocacy group that aims to stop hatred of the Jewish people - StopAntisemitism - tweeted the building was located at the intersection of Magnolia and Ridge and possibly managed by Seminary Properties and Management Ltd.

Matthew Rais said he lives in the city, is Jewish and has always felt welcomed. "It's a lost cause what they're fighting for. We're all Americans and we need to come together in unity," Rais said.

Peter Craig has been identified as the resident who put the Nazi flags in the windows; attempting to defend his actions, he stated "everybody in America deserves to have their home as their sanctuary," Craig said.

He said he put up the flags to get attention for his missing fiancée, Ariana Daniels. Craig said he was given an eviction notice specifically referencing the Nazi flags and is currently in discussions with his landlord to take them down. "I'm not a skinhead. I am not a skinhead. I'm a long-haired, peace loving, freaky hippy," he said.

Senator Calls for Investigation into Antisemitic Treatment of JFK Passengers

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Thursday that he would question the TSA after a woman posted reports of repeated antisemitic discrimination at JFK airport on social media.

Liz Mair, a British-American political strategist, alleged that everyone she saw at the airport on a recent trip who was visibly Jewish was forced to undergo more extensive screening, and one Orthodox woman was asked to remove her sheitel.

Mair, who is not Jewish, says that she’s experienced some form of antisemitism due to her last name on a regular basis at the airport. “Typically it’s just generic rudeness, yelling at people who are obviously Jewish (e.g. ultra-Orthodox) while treating everyone else nice as pie, etc. Today was much worse,” she wrote on social media.

In a scene that echoes centuries of overt discrimination against Jews, Mair writes that visibly Jewish people were sorted into a slow-moving line, with more screenings being performed on them.

After seeing her passport and Jewish-sounding name, airport security ushered her into the separate line. “They steered me and my kid into the line with people who were obviously Jewish, and then moved that line at half the speed of the one next to it.

“We were yelled at to back up and I explained we could not because there was a baby behind us. They did not care. All the blond people magically ended up in the faster moving lane,” she explained.

While security personnel made the people in the slower line screen more of their belongings, “This slowed the line down. Then everyone got yelled at for being slow.”

Her story caught the attention of the conservative senator and former presidential candidate, who said that the situation was “deeply disturbing and totally unacceptable if true,” in a tweet directed to the TSA, warning the agency to “please be ready to have some very candid conversations about this in the coming weeks and months.”

NYC Legal Aid Group Forced to Apologize, Pay $170K Over Antisemitism Harassment

A New York City taxpayer-funded legal aid group condemned for a 2014 “kill the NYPD” rap video and a 2021 director’s email blasting Israel and cops have now been forced to issue an apology and a $170,000 settlement for alleged discrimination against a Jewish staffer, The Post has learned.

“You may remember that I was called a racist, a colonizer, and a Karen [slang for an entitled white person], and I was told that I was worse than the dirt under your feet and that my children were murderers,” former Bronx Defenders staffer Debbie Jonas said in an email Wednesday to the politically charged legal assistance group’s employees informing them about the settlement.

Jonas, a Zionist Jew, has children with dual citizenship in Israel and the U.S. who have served in Israel’s Defense Forces. “I was cursed and badgered until I could no longer stand the hostility,” said Jonas, who worked at Bronx Defenders for eight years.

While Bronx Defenders admitted to no lawful wrongdoing in the confidential settlement, its executive director, Justine Olderman, issued a heartfelt apology, and the firm has agreed to provide antisemitism training to all employees provided by the Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law.

Jonas praised Olderman’s “courage” and “humility” for issuing the “since” apology. She said after subtracting legal expenses, she will donate a total of $40,000 to charities in Israel: Shurst Hadin, Tobeka, Yad L’isha, Technoda, and Bet Izzy Shapiro.

“Of course, this represents a great victory in the effort to combat Jew-hatred,” said Dov Hikind, founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, who took up Jonas’ cause. “But this saga also serves as a vital example of just how pervasive antisemitism is in every sector of society and as a lesson on the necessity for Jewish victims to fight for justice if there are ever to be meaningful consequences.”

The Post first reported in June 2021 that Shannon Cumberbatch, director of Bronx Director’s Office of Equity and Institutional Transformation, blasted Israel, the “US empire” and even the NYPD during an ongoing dispute with Palestinians in Gaza in an official email — likening the situation in the Middle East to “sanctioned genocide” against blacks and native Americans in America.


Bronx Defenders director Shannon Cumberbatch previously blasted Israel and the “US empire” in an email

In her letter as part of the settlement, Olderman apologized for the staffers’ mistreatment of Jonas. “I feel a special kind of shame for not speaking up in the face of internal emails containing hateful personal attacks on you and your family,” Olderman said.

Bronx Defenders “stands for the fundamental principle of treating people, whether clients, community members, or staff, with compassion, care, and dignity; I am personally sorry and ashamed that both I and the organization I lead did not live up to those values,” she told Jonas.

Bronx Defenders — which has obtained more than $300 million in city and state funding over the past decade to represent poor defendants in criminal and civil cases — previously came under fire in 2014 when two of its staffers appeared in a vile online rap video that urged black people to kill NYPD cops, and a DOI investigation found that staffers lied about their role in the video.

Antisemitic Flyers Discovered on Porches in Central Wisconsin

Antisemitism is on the rise throughout the country and Wisconsin isn’t immune as there have been multiple reports of antisemitic flyers being placed on porches in neighborhoods in Wausau.

Around 3 a.m. on Monday, a masked man was caught distributing antisemitic papers on people’s porches. The flyers contained hateful and offensive claims about the Jewish community.

Rabbi Altshuler said he hasn’t seen the pamphlets, but heard about them from Mayor Katie Rosenberg. “I wish that I could say that I was surprised,” said Rabbi Benjamin Altshuler, Mt. Sinai Congregation. ”This is not the first time that something of this nature espoused in our region and certainly not in our country. I was more disappointed that a community like ours is seeing this type of activity.”

Florida Area Commissioner Doubles Down on Antisemitic Trope

Calls for the resignation of Santa Rosa County Commissioner Sam Parker reverberated off the walls of the Santa Rosa County Commission chambers Monday evening after he was shown in a video making an antisemitic remark and then, purportedly, shaking down a store owner for a break on the price of a purchase.

A snippet of what appeared to be security camera footage was presented to the Board of Commissioners Monday by gun store owner Chris Smith during the public forum segment of the Commission Committee meeting.

It showed Parker walk into a store and use an antisemitic trope (Jew them down) when asking the owner for a lower price. He then went on to ask "what happened to my discount?"

"I guess if we would have brought cash you wouldn't have had to charge me tax," Parker is heard to say.

Smith was the first to call for Parker's resignation, questioning his morals and criticizing the hypocrisy of him as a supporter of raising the sales tax, asking for a break on that very tax. "You're a sitting county commissioner asking a local small business to perform an illegal act by not charging a sales tax if you pay cash," Smith said.

Parker was adamant in his own defense. He told Smith his use of the antisemitic term was "not an ethnic slur."

"I'm not referring to the Jewish community. I used that term as an adjective, as a descriptive term of bargaining them down," Parker said. "I didn't do anything wrong."

NGO StopAntisemitism shared with their followers the video snippet of Commissioner Sam Parker defending his antisemitic trope.

As to the comments regarding getting a sales tax break, Parker waved them off as "part of the fabric of my DNA." He said its fundamental to his work as a real estate broker to joke with people about the cost of goods.

After Parker spoke, a parade of people made their way to the speakers' podium to voice their reaction to the video they'd seen.

Sherry Chapman's anger was directed at Parker's use of racial slur. "If you would have said that to me I would have backhanded you, or told you off to make you about a half inch tall," she said. "You owe an apology to every Jewish person in the United States of America for such a remark."

By the time she stood to speak, Deborah Harsher had armed herself with the American Jewish Committee's "translate hate" definition of the term. "Rooted in the false stereotype that Jews are cheap or stingy, the phrase (Jew them down) may seem to be a harmless expression that’s used in everyday vernacular. However, it is an insulting, antisemitic misrepresentation of Jewish behavior that plays into the trope of Jews as greedy money handlers who are unwilling to part with their earnings," she read.

"The common, mainstream use of antisemitic terms, like (Jew them down) plays a dangerous role in normalizing antisemitism and reinforcing conspiracy theories in the minds of antisemites," Harsher said in conclusion.

Cori Bush Under Fire for Antisemitic Shaman on Congressional Payroll

“Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) has paid more than $100,000 in campaign money to a former Black Panther who claims he is hundreds of trillions of years old, can teach “psychic self-defense,” and that the Rothschild banking family helped start the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nathaniel Davis III, also known as Aha Sen Piankhy, has received around $137,000 from Bush’s campaign since 2020 for “security services,” according to Federal Election Commission filings.

The St. Louis-based “spiritual guru” — whose online antics were first reported by the Washington Free Beacon — has claimed on Facebook that he is “109 trillion years old in this galaxy” and can teach how “to protect yourself from telepathic and telekinetic attacks.”

“I’m going come teach the people how to survive. It’s what I came to this planet for in this lifetime,” Davis said during a July 17, 2020, Facebook live stream. “I’m 109 trillion years old in this galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy.”

Davis, who joined the New Black Panther Party after the 2014 Ferguson riots, also has a history of promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories on his social media account.

In two separate Facebook posts on July 17, 2020, Davis said the Rothschilds have had “every president elected in every country in the Western Hemisphere” and that they and other members of the “global elite” unleashed the coronavirus because they are trying to “kill every last one of us.”

“That’s what this global pandemic is about. We’re getting a new global system put in place by the families that run the planet. It’s not a conspiracy theory, man; it’s just facts,” he said. “How do we have a global pandemic and everybody was affected by a virus that was created in a lab? It’s not natural. That means it was planned … Which means they planned this pandemic on us as a people.”

“You got the global elite looking to kill every last one of us. They want to wipe out half the population of the planet,” Davis reiterated.

The St. Louis shaman — who has also flirted with fringe QAnon conspiracies — encouraged people viewing his posts to till gardens and produce food on their own property to fight back against the ruling elite.

Bush, who backs the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, also enjoys a relationship with pro-Palestinian activist Neveen Ayesh, who said on Twitter in 2014 that she wanted to “set Israel on fire with my own hands & watch it burn to ashes along with every Israeli in it.”

The far-left congresswoman and her spiritually inclined security guard are Facebook friends and were seen together on July 3, 2020, as they marched outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who a week earlier had drawn their firearms on a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters in St. Louis.

Davis stayed right next to Bush, according to a Twitter video posted the next day on her personal account, wearing an identical outfit to one he had worn for his city’s annual Juneteenth festival just days before. Additionally, he filmed two videos of himself walking behind the congresswoman at the same protest.

Bush last week was slapped with an FEC complaint related to $60,000 in campaign payments to her now-husband, Cortney Merritts — who was paid to guard his now-wife despite not having a required private security license.

Neither Bush’s campaign nor a spokeswoman for her office responded to a request for comment.

Swastikas Graffitied Throughout Queen's City Park

Police found a swastika graffitied at Fort Totten Park in Bayside last week, the New York City’s Department of Parks and Recreation said.

The antisemitic graffiti was found on Thursday evening and removed on Monday morning after authorities completed an investigation at the Endicott Battery of the park.

“Hate has no place in our parks,” a spokesperson for the Parks department said in a statement. “When offensive hate speech is discovered, we work with the NYPD to remove it immediately.”

Assemblyman Edward C. Braunstein, who represents Bayside, also addressed the incident on Twitter, expressing that “hate will not be tolerated in our community.”

Virginia Jewish Community Center Vandalized with Antisemitic Symbols

A Blacksburg, Virginia, Jewish group’s sign was vandalized, upsetting members, but the act sparked an outpouring of support from the community.

The President of the Blacksburg Jewish Community Center Eric Hallerman, said he first heard online what had happened. “They scratched out parts of our sign and wrote things that were racist and antisemitic,” Hallerman said. “That’s hurtful, that’s hateful, that’s unnecessary.”

Hallerman said a center is a place of worship and community outreach for many.

NGO StopAntisemitism, the leading non-partisan U.S. based organization fighting antisemitism, shared their disdain over the vandalism and their support for the Jewish community of Virginia.

“I’m the son of a Holocaust survivor,” Hallerman said. “So, these kinds of hateful things strike a little deeper than you might even think. I mean, my dad barely escaped with his life.”

Hallerman said before he got to the sign he found a member of a nearby church already trying to scrub off the damage. He’s received support on social media and was contacted Monday by a local sign shop owner offering to create a new sign for free.

Kevin Altizer, the owner of Signarama in Christiansburg, isn’t Jewish, but he felt compelled to step in. “We didn’t like what we saw,” Altizer said. “There’s no; there’s never a reason for that. So we just wanted to help out.”

Altizer said careful thought has gone into the new design. “We’re going to make it as vandal-proof as possible,” Altizer said. “We are using a material that lasts a very long time.”

Making sure the sign and the love of a neighbor lasts. “People are stepping up,” Hallerman said. “I think after all the emotion is over, this will be for the good.”

Antisemites Harass Baltimore Jews on Shabbat

There were multiple reported incidents of Jews being harassed by antisemites in Baltimore this past Shabbat.

The incidents occurred in the Pickwick Apartments neighborhood and were responded to by Baltimore Shomrim and the police, according to Baltimore Jewish Life.

Witnesses told Shomrim that several people driving a dark-colored Chevrolet Cruze accosted Jewish residents near synagogues, hurling antisemitic abuse and demanding they give them money.

Upon being contacted, Shomrim quickly notified the police, who opened an investigation.

Footage of several of the incidents of harassment was taken by Shomrim’s Community Watch Camera. The clips have been provided to the police to identify the culprits.

“Shomrim takes these incidents seriously and works closely with law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, to ensure that a thorough investigation is initiated and those responsible are apprehended,” Baltimore Shomrim said in a statement.

The harassment occurred several days after a hate group distributed antisemitic flyers in a Baltimore neighborhood in an attempt to “intimidate and harass” the local Jewish community, according to a Jewish leader.

Antisemitic 'GDL' Flyers Litter Michigan Neighborhoods

Malicious antisemitic flyers are being distributed around a Gaines Township neighborhood in Michigan.

A homeowner in the Crystal Springs neighborhood reported the flyers to the Kent County Sheriff's Office Monday morning after seeing a van driving around dropping off the materials in driveways Sunday.

The driver has been identified, and the investigation is ongoing. There's no word yet on any potential charges.

The small flyers were located inside a plastic bag and are meant to spread conspiracies out to the community.

"Like Jews did 9/11, or Jews own Disney, or Jews are responsible for COVID. This particular group likes to put all of the ills of society onto flyers."

There has been a rise in antisemitism and other forms of hatred over the last few years. NGO StopAntisemitism has identified the white supremacist group responsible for distributing the antisemitic materials around Michigan & across the nation as the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The GDL is led by neo-nazi Jon Minadeo II, who has spent the last few years harassing Jewish communities. Minadeo and his members visited Michigan the previous year during the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.

Those responsible can be charged with littering.

"We can't just discard property in someone's yard. That's a civil infraction. However, there may be more for us to learn still. This case is still open," said Sgt. Eric Brunner, a spokesperson with the sheriff's office. "Our deputies got a report of it since 9:30 this morning. We may have had a few others come in since then that I'm not aware of, so we're still looking at it." 

Jewish Student's Israeli Flag Ripped in Two at Pomona College

This fall, Solomon Olshin, a Senior at Pomona College in Claremont, California, hung three flags from his dorm window: an Israeli Flag, a Jewish Gay Pride Flag, and a Ukrainian Flag. One morning, he woke up to find the Israeli flag torn in half.

Olshin claims its vandalism is a symptom of a much larger problem: the suppression of dialogue about Israel on campus. He explained, “I and many of the Jewish community members that I have talked to on the Claremont campus have interpreted this as an act of antisemitism because it uniquely creates a double standard and a de-legitimization of the right of any student on campus to openly express affiliation with their national homeland and with the only Jewish state. That is one of the most basic parts of the definition of antisemitism that I have chosen to use, which is the [International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance] definition.”

Alongside the definition, the IHRA presents several contemporary examples of antisemitism. The group maintains that “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination” is antisemitic. Many opponents, though, hold that denying Israel’s right to exist is not necessarily antisemitic.

Olshin added that he believes that criticizing Israeli policies is often not antisemitic. “I am very critical of many of the Israeli government's policies openly on this campus, and I'm also very critical of many of the American government's policies — and every other nation. I think that's something that's wonderful and to be encouraged,” he explained.

Olshin also told the Claremont Independent about another similar incident. He once posted more than 100 posters advertising an Israeli internship program. “People tore down more than 75 of them over about a five-week period, all across the campuses. And they were tearing them down in a very targeted way. It wasn't like they were in the wrong place. They were approved by the college. They had stamps on them saying they were approved. They were put in approved poster locations… And I felt really frustrated by that because I felt like it was an act of censorship,” he said.

StopAntisemitism, a grassroots watchdog organization that tracks instances of antisemitism, urged Pomona College’s President Starr to investigate the antisemitic incidents.

White Supremacist Group Carve Nazi Messages on Sacred Native American Site

White supremacist group, Big Sky Active Club has taken credit for etching Nazi symbols on an outdoor recreational area managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and named after a prominent Crow leader.

The neo-Nazi group confirmed that it is investigating graffiti carved into the Four Dances area, which is located approximately three miles south of Billings. The Big Sky Active Club said on its Gab social media account: “BSAC went on a hike and etched our message in stone. Tribe up or die.”

The carving showed a swastika with the number 14/88, a popular white supremacist symbol that refers to the “14 words” slogan, and 88, a numerical reference to the “Heil Hitler” chant used by Nazis and other hate groups. A second set of carvings shows the “SS” lightning bolts.

NGO StopAntisemitism, the leading non-partisan U.S based organization fighting & exposing antisemitism called upon the leaders of Montana to denounce & investigate the hottfic act of antisemitism.

Another carving showed a swastika with the message: “We are everywhere.”

Another Big Sky Active Club social media post named one of its members, who has not yet been charged, with carving the symbols.

“(Name) doing some nazi vandalism in the outdoors,” the post said, adding a couple of oranges, angry-faced emojis.

The Daily Montanan located the person in the picture on Facebook and reached out to him, but did not receive a response.

The National Park Service has classified the Four Dances as a “Special Recreation Management Area and an area of critical environmental concern.”

Four Dances was a spiritual and military leader for the Apsaalooke or Crow people. In 1830, he fasted and danced in that area, receiving a powerful vision, after being adopted by the great-horned owl.

“In these visions, the owl showed him a war shirt,” Elias Goes Ahead, a Crow historian, told the Billings Gazette in 2012. “So he produced a war shirt as he was shown in his vision. He went among the enemy in a battle against the Piegan near Pryor Gap. His war shirt was riddled with arrows and bullets, but he was not harmed, and he led the Crows to wipe out the Piegans.”

More Antisemitic Graffiti in New Hampshire Push Police to Open Probe

Ten days after launching an investigation into 17 incidents of hateful graffiti at businesses, homes, and houses of worship around downtown Portsmouth, city police are probing a new slate of offensive graffiti found Friday morning.

The Portsmouth Police Department was notified Friday around 9 a.m. of previously unseen hateful graffiti, which appears to be fresh, located on a Market Street pedestrian bridge that was found by a morning walker.

The new graffiti, which police noted in a news release consists of antisemitic and white supremacist rhetoric, was spray painted on a bridge near Alumni-Wentworth Field.

Images of the graffiti provided by the department show the Star of David spray painted in red, followed by a derogatory term for Jewish people and an “X” next to it followed by the phrase “White Lives Matter.”

Detective Sgt. Kevin McCarthy, the lead investigator on the recent slew of hateful graffiti spray painted on downtown area buildings and places of worship the morning of Feb. 21, stated that the Market Street discovery is now being lumped into the larger ongoing investigation.

“It was discovered by a walker today, and it looks like it may have been there for a little while unnoticed,” McCarthy said Friday afternoon.

Police are uncertain whether the pedestrian bridge markings are tied to the downtown area vandalism, an incident which saw the Temple Israel, and a number of popular businesses, including Assistant Mayor Joanna Kelley’s Cup of Joe Cafe & Bar, spray painted with swastikas and other symbols.

“The Portsmouth Police Department would like to speak with anyone who has utilized the footbridge to develop the best information on when this tagging may have occurred,” the department wrote in a news release on Friday.

White Supremacist Nick Fuentes Booted from CPAC Conference

Nick Fuentes, who has been designated as a white supremacist by the Department of Justice, was kicked out of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on March 3.

American Conservative Union (ACU) Chairman Matt Schlapp said in a statement posted to social media, “We removed Nick Fuentes from his attempt to attend our conference. His hateful, racist rhetoric and actions are inconsistent with the mission of CPAC. We are pleased that our conference welcomes a wide array of conservative perspectives from people of different backgrounds, but we are concerned about the rise in antisemitic rhetoric (or Jew hatred) in our country and around the globe, whether it be in the corridors of power and academia or through the online rantings of bigots like Fuentes.”

Fuentes has claimed that the official six million Holocaust figure is overexaggerated, drawing a comparison with cookies in ovens; Fuentes has claimed he was kidding but wouldn’t retract the statement. Additionally, Fuentes called for Republicans to tackle “Jewish Power” and that he said he doesn’t “see Jews as Europeans, and I don’t see them as part of Western civilization.” Fuentes garnered national attention in November after he and rapper Kanye West met with former President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago; Trump later said that he didn’t know who Fuentes was and that he met West and that he agreed to the dinner to give West “advice” and that West “has been very good to me,” but also called the rapper “a seriously troubled man.”

NGO StopAntisemitism has previously listed Nick Fuentes as their “Antisemite of the Week.” Fuentes and his army of “Groypers” have been traveling the nation pushing Kanye West’s antisemitic narrative on college campuses.

CPAC is being held from March 1-4 in Washington, D.C.; Trump will address the conference on March 4.

Neo-Nazis Target Montana Elementary School

In a letter to school families in Bozeman, Montana, Whittier Elementary Principal Cale VanVelkinburgh confirmed that antisemitic flyers were found on cars parked near the school on Thursday morning, March 2, 2023.

Bozeman Public Schools Superintendent Casey Bertram shared the letter in a press release on Thursday.

VanVelkinburgh said in the letter that the fliers are related to the NSM, a known hate group and neo-nazi white supremacist organization based in the United States.

Bozeman Public Schools Superintendent Casey Bertram shared the letter in a press release on Thursday.

"Once notified, we tried our best to remove the fliers and notified our School Resource Officer," VanVelkinburgh wrote to Whittier families. He continued:

“Hate has no place at our school, in our school district, or in our community. As a school district, we reject any form of racist and hateful behavior. District Policy #3210 speaks to our commitment to equal education and non-discrimination: The District will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social condition, actual or potential marital or parental status, gender, or sexual orientation. No student will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.

Additionally, District Policy #3226 addresses our stance on bullying/harassment/intimidation/hazing: The Board will strive to provide a positive and productive learning and working environment. Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or hazing, by students, staff, or third parties, is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated.”

Superintendent Bertram said VanVelkinburgh's letter served as the school district's formal response to the incident.

Swastikas and Stars of David Written on West Hollywood Pizzeria

Antisemitic graffiti bearing two swastikas and two Stars of David was found at ZPizza in West Hollywood this week.

The incident follows the theft mezuzah off the BlockParty store located on the same street a few months prior. The pink mezuzah was donated by Rabbi Mordechai of the Chabad Sunset Strip congregation.

NGO StopAntisemitism, a U.S.-based advocacy group exposing and fighting bias and hatred against the Jewish people, shared that the West Hollywood Jewish community comprises immigrants from several nations, such as the former Soviet Union, Iran, & Russia.

The incident follows a recent uptick in attacks on members of the Jewish community in the L.A. area.