Williams approached to Jewish men (one a Chabad Rabbi) and shouted: ‘Jews, Jews, Jews … give me your money!’ He then said he had a gun and was going to kill them
Man Arrested After Threatening Jersey City Kosher Supermarket Manager
Another Connecticut High School Discovers Swastikas
Soccer Coach Called 11 Year Old Player a "Cancer Jew"
Swastika Found Outside Synagogue in Canada
TikTok Swamped with Shocking Antisemitic Content
Leading anti-racism campaigners said posts found by The Sun Online show the app is exposing kids to a 'cesspit of hate'. In minutes, a series of posts celebrating terrorist killings and promoting Holocaust denials and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.
Scores of posts feature sickening antisemitic taunts - with cartoons depicting Jewish men with large noses and joking about the Holocaust receiving hundreds of likes and comments.
In one video, racist sketches of characters labelled 'A Sneaky Jew' and 'Mega Jew' are followed by antisemetic tropes that Jewish people control the media, financial sector and government.
In one horrifying clip, a TikTok user 'duets' - a video reply shared alongside an original, innocent post - with a young male talking about the dangers of antisSemitic slurs. The user opens an oven door and points inside as the original clip plays alongside.
It appears to reference the Holocaust, in which millions of Jews were gassed to death and cremated in large ovens by Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
One TikTok user commented: "You have to put a trail of coins for them to follow."
Another, appearing to cast doubt on the six million Holocaust death toll, said: "I myself have been gassed over 6,000,000 times!!!"
A host of videos including Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic tropes had been viewed thousands of times before we flagged them to TikTok bosses.
Users commenting under the videos posted under handles including @1_hate_J3ws and @deathtoj3ws.
Gideon Falter, chief executive of Campaign Against Antisemitism said: "TikTok has become yet another social media platform serving up a diet of hatred to teenagers and young children.
"Those who post antisemitic memes about gassing Jews and Holocaust denial should be banned from social media and prosecuted.
"Tik Tok must take rapid action to prevent its app becoming a cesspit of hate where our children are radicalised into racism."
Arabic Paper in Canada Accuses Jews of Organ Theft
Swastika Found in Another New York High School
"Jews Killed Chist" Graffiti Found on Cincinnati Bridge
Jewish Students Sues NJ School District Over Systematic Antisemitic Harassment
Students at the Marine Academy of Science and Technology drew swastikas in notebooks and read “Mein Kampf” in public, according to the lawsuit. One posed for a photograph next to the words, “I h8 Jews.” After her parents complained, the woman became “a pariah,” the complaint said, while school leaders were “deliberately indifferent” to her plight.
The state attorney general’s office previously found “reasonable suspicion” that the district overseeing the Sandy Hook school broke New Jersey’s anti-discrimination law.
The complaint named the Monmouth County Vocational School District, its board of education and school leaders in the U.S. District Court of New Jersey.
“I’m forever saddened that this happened to me, but I have grown to accept that my family and I did the right thing by reporting it," the 18-year-old said in a message sent by her lawyer, Eric Hecker. He asked that the former student’s full name not be used to protect her privacy. She is no longer at the academy.
"I am trying to move forward but this will always be something I carry,” she said.
In a statement, District Superintendent Timothy McCorkell said the school had “appropriately disciplined” the students involved with the “I h8 Jews” photo.
Soon after that photo was taken, the school consulted with the Jewish Federation in the Heart of New Jersey. The South River-based nonprofit recommended curriculum about Jewish history and hate speech.
“Ongoing education” is crucial in situations like these, said Lisa Karasic, a spokesperson for the federation. “Both for students and educators.”
Many students at the academy were later enrolled in programs about the Holocaust and “cultural competency,” McCorkell said, in line with recommendations made by the state attorney general.
“The District is confident in the legal process and that the facts will support our position,” he said, referring to how the district responded to the original complaints.
He added that the school investigates every bias allegation and “is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students.”
The state’s investigation continues. In December, the head of the civil rights division, Rachel Apner, formally joined the complaint. A spokesman for the state attorney general’s office said the district and investigators were talking, but declined to comment further.
More here.