The swastika, which was written in pencil, has since been removed by custodial staff, Principal Joe Scozzaro said in a letter sent to parents and students.
Milktooth's chef and owner Jonathan Brooks associated being Jewish with tasting the blood of children in a social media post on Thursday ahead of the rebranding of his restaurant as Jewish deli-influenced.
Johnnie Scott Rice stepped down from Delaware’s Eleanor Holmes Norton‘s judicial nomination commission at the congresswoman’s request after referring to one candidate as a “slick Jew,”
A Vancouver family says an antisemitism problem at their daughter’s high school hasn’t been addressed adequately after she found another set of swastikas etched on a desk.
French police arrested a man who tried carrying out a stabbing attack at a Jewish school in Marseille, France on Friday morning after volunteer parents managed to overtake the 60 year old assailant.
The students were given access to an online resource with images of Jewish people with large noses and claimed they “wanted Jesus to be guilty” and die.
Launched in January, the icon depicts a strip of blue tape over an Amazon "smile" logo that many say resembled a toothbrush mustache associated with Adolf Hitler.
Outrage ensued after BBC host Jo Coburn claimed “many Jews have succeeded in reaching high political office and therefore don’t need to be seen as a group needing recognition in the same way as others.”
Vandals left graffiti at St. Edward's University that included antisemitic and xenophobic messages on the doors of multiple individual student dorm rooms.