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Antisemitic Myth #1 - Jews Control The Banks

Jews running the banking industry is one of the oldest antisemitic tropes in history. We’ve identified the top banks in America by total assets (as well as the Federal Reserve) and looked into their CEO’s i.e. the top decision makers to see if any/all are Jewish.

  • JP Morgan Chase CEO: Jamie Dimon

  • Wells Fargo CEO: Charles Scharf

  • Citigroup CEO: Michael Corbat

  • Bank of America CEO: Brian Moynihan

  • Federal Reserve Chairman: Jerome Powell

What did we find? NONE OF THEM ARE JEWISH!

Watch the video above which clearly debunks this myth!

Jews control banks.jpeg

Antisemitic Myth #2 - Jews Cause the World's Plagues

From 14th Century Europe and the Black Plague to the 2018 Measles outbreak in America, Jews have been systematically blamed for many of the world's epidemics. The recent Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic is no different and has sparked a massive surge in online antisemitism, both classic and new.

Let’s take a look into WHAT exactly caused all of these global pandemics:

  • Black Plague/Bubonic Plague/Black Death: flea bacteria mixed with rodents (specifically rats)

  • Cholera: contaminated water with the ‘Vibrio Cholerae’ bacteria

  • Measles: bovine rinderpest

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): animal virus (bats)

Watch the video above which clearly debunks this myth!


Antisemitic Myth #4 - Jews Control the Government

Jews running the U.S. Government is a favorite lie amongst the antisemitic crowd. We did a bit of research and found the following:

Number of Jewish Presidents? 0
Number of Jewish Vice Presidents? 0
Number of Jewish Senators? 8 out of 100
Number of Jewish House of Representatives? 34 out of 535
Number of Jewish Governors? 4 out of 50

Despite Jews having little representation in Government, bigots LOVE to claim that Jews run things!

But numbers don't lie.

Jew haters do.

Watch the video above which clearly debunks this myth!


Antisemitic Myth #5 - Jews are Greedy

Jews being greedy is a common antisemitic trope we’ve all heard. But how much truth is there to this?

According to a Forbes 2018 article, 4 out of the top 10 Philanthropists are Jewish and include the following individuals:

  • Michael Bloomberg donated $1.8 Billion

  • Mark Zuckerberg donated $410 Million

  • Hansjoerg Wyss donated $402 Million

  • Jim Simons donated $397 Million

Jews comprised 40% of the top 10 U.S. philanthropists despite only being 2% of the U.S. Population.

Watch the video above which clearly debunks this myth!


Antisemitic Myth #8 - Jews are Only White Europeans

Despite what antisemites like to say, Jews are not only white and from Europe.

After being displaced for thousands of years, Jewish communities from Iraq, China, Yemen, China, and many others from all over the globe have managed to come back to the Jewish homeland - Israel.

Israel’s Jewish society consists of African, Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi Jews!
