The report tracks the history of the organization and highlights how NSJP promotes antisemitic rhetoric and is associated with violence and terror, ideologically and politically.
Two bills moving through the Pennsylvania legislature would establish security grants for religious and community organizations. The legislation was in response to the Tree of Life synagogue shooting.
With large majority, Chamber of Deputies condemns all manifestations of anti-Semitism, calls on government not to finance groups that promote boycotts of Israel
An annual study by Tel Aviv University revealed that antisemitic attacks rose worldwide by 13% in 2018 from the previous year, the highest number of incidents being reported in the US.
The complaint alleges that UCLA University is in violation of its obligations under Title VI due to the administration's inaction in response to antisemitism experienced by UCLA Jewish students.
“As members of the Jewish community gather Tuesday evening to begin the observance of Yom Kippur, I am directing the State Police to increase patrols around Synagogues and religious centers to ensure this sacred day is not disturbed by anyone seeking to spread division or fear,” Cuomo said.
ASCSU President Ben Amundson authored a resolution calling for the student body to take a stand against antisemitic words and actions; this resolution passed with a unanimous 41-0-0 roll call vote.
In one example, Jenny Tonge, a lawmaker in the upper chamber of the British parliament, asked on Facebook whether the wounding of 27 Palestinians, including a baby, in clashes with Israeli troops was “all to celebrate the Passover?”
The event “Conflict Over Gaza: People, Politics and Possibilities” reportedly used $5,000 of federal taxpayer funds from the U.S. Education Department.
Many Jews in Latin American countries who sometimes find symbols and characteristics that at first glance seem completely harmless, but behind them there are clear antisemitic insinuations, hidden images, legends or combinations of these.