On 14 August 2019, a neo-Nazi channel on the video-sharing website BitChute supporting the destruction of Israel and declaring “Free Palestine.” The channel, called “ExposeTheNose,” an anti-Semitic reference to Jews, contains numerous videos detailing various conspiracy theories about Jewish world domination and speeches by anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan.
ExposeTheNose channel icon with anti-Israel hat and ‘Free Palestine’
Louis Farrakhan video posted by channel
The website, BitChute, is used by many on the far-right as an alternative to YouTube due to BitChute’s weaker regulations concerning hate speech. The ExposeTheNose channel currently has 289 subscribers. The channel also maintains an active encrypted channel that is part of a larger network of militant, neo-Nazi channels on the Telegram platform. The ExposeTheNose Telegram channel has 854 members as of this writing and contains similar content to other neo-Nazi channels.
Telegram post by user about the BitChute channel