Nicholas Alan Bysheim better known as “Jehu” is a 33-year-old male from Lusby, Maryland, and is currently traveling the country harassing Jewish communities alongside Jon Minadeo II and their white supremacist brotherhood, the Goyim Defense League (GDL). GDL members are collectively known for distributing thousands of antisemitic flyers throughout various neighborhoods nationwide and hanging banners along major highways that make mendacious claims about the Jewish people.
Nicholas Bysheim first appeared in the media during his arrest in November 2022 for littering antisemitic materials throughout a Rhode Island town. A few weeks later on New Year’s Eve, StopAntisemitism identified Bysheim as the accomplice of Jon Minadeo during a slew of anti-Jewish projections of buildings throughout the state of Florida. A swastika was projected onto a building in downtown Boca Raton; “Hitler was Right,” “The Holocaust Never Happened,” and “Vax the Jews” were projected onto buildings in Orlando. A week after these incidents, Bysheim was arrested for resisting an officer in Palm Beach after he was found littering antisemitic materials. When he failed to identify himself, Bysheim was taken into police custody.
In February 2023, Bysheim, Minadeo, and a dozen other members of the GDL harassed Jewish members attending Shabbat services in Orlando. The group hurled hundreds of antisemitic slurs and tropes as members arrived at the Chabad. Bysheim and others filmed themselves giving Hitler salutes and holding grotesque signs that falsely accused Israel and the Jewish people for societal issues.
On March 11, 2023, Bysheim and several other members of the GDL were cited in Palm Beach for littering antisemitic literature to dozens of homes in West Palm Beach. A few days later on March 18th, Bysheim was cited again when nearly 500 anti-Jewish leaflets were discovered throughout West Palm Beach neighborhoods. As he was harassing the arresting officers, he was filmed ranting the following antisemitic phrases:
“Why are your bosses allowed to suck baby penises?”
“Why is it in their Talmud that they are allowed to molest children?”
“All of your f**king Jew bosses are going to be ejected to f**king Israel and then Iran is going to nuke the sh*t out of it.
“Heil f**ing Hitler. White power.”
This ongoing unwarranted harassment against the Jewish people spurred legislators in Florida to introduce HB269. The bill would prohibit individuals from distributing materials onto private property with the intention of intimidating or threatening property owners, residents, or visitors, while also making it illegal to willfully and maliciously harass, threaten, or intimidate others based on their religious or ethnic heritage indicators. The bill will require that such violations be reported as hate crimes, will prevent the display or projection of images onto structures or property without permission, and will avert individuals who enter state university or Florida College System campuses with the intent to threaten or intimidate from remaining after receiving a warning to depart.
On April 28, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB259 into law making it a jailable offense if a violation occurs. On May 5, 2023, Bysheim was arrested in court after the State Attorney's office announced their intent to prosecute two misdemeanor charges against him. The charges stem from Bysheim's illegal dumping of antisemitic literature on private property in West Palm Beach, Florida while he was on bail for previous offenses. The State's Attorney's Office was seeking a punishment of 364 days in Palm Beach County Jail. Unfortunately, Judge Marni Bryson handed Bysheim a 12 month probation charge and he was released from police custody.
These ongoing hate crimes are a reminder to continue reporting all antisemitic acts or even warning signs by calling or texting StopAntisemitism at 877-411-HATE (4283) or submitting a report HERE because as we see once again what starts with Jewish people never ends with the Jewish people.