Rick Steves is a California based notorious Jew hater and a travel enthusiast who has a YouTube Channel with more than 800,000 followers. He also runs well attended travel seminars and has a PBS radio show through which he spreads horrific lies about the State of Israel and his outrageous antisemitic views.
At an October 2019 lecture given by Steves at the Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto, he shared countless antisemitic and anti-Israeli lies and tropes including:
Jews control the media, specifically in the New York City area;
Jews buy elections;
Jews are parasites and feed off of U.S. aid;
Israel was a post-Holocaust creation yet the irony stands that Jews oppress the Arabs today;
Kosher laws are meant to isolate Jews from others;
Israel cuts off water supplies for Palestinians on a whim;
Jews are rich, Arabs are poor
This isn't the first time a lecture of Steve's was criticized for falsehoods and downright lies. In his 2014 production "The Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today", he falsely claims Jews are alien colonizers, the Christian population of Israel is shrinking (the opposite is true, it's grown year over year since 1948), and openly supports terrorism.
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The widespread of Steves' antisemitic lies must be stopped. Let's work together to prevent Rick Steves from using his "good guy" persona to spread hate in America.