Zahra Haider is one of the leaders of the antisemitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a member of the notorious campus group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and a supporter of convicted terrorists.
What's most concerning is that Haider produces content for NowThis, a widely popular social-media focused news group. She exploits the organization’s large reach to spread antisemitism and hatred of the Jewish state. From her defense of our previous Antisemites of the Week, Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, to her obsessive rants about the evil perils of Israel, Haider uses 'NowThis' to spread bigotry to millions of people.
Earlier this year, Haider came under fire for producing a clip for NowThis starring a Jewish woman who falsely claimed Anne Frank did not die in a concentration camp. Following the public’s wide outrage for promoting Holocaust denial, Haider and NowThis issued a correction. However, the damage was already done with tens of thousands of views on the original bigoted video.
Zahra Haider openly supports terrorists. In 2014, she was photographed participating in a rally celebrating convicted terrorist Rasmeah Odeh. Odeh was stripped of her U.S. citizenship and deported for committing immigration fraud and lying about her terrorism charges. Haider published a poem on her personal website in honor and defense of Odeh, accusing the U.S. of wrongdoing for protecting America.
While a student at Northwestern University, Haider was active in the school's SJP group and helped promote their BDS-focused agenda. She was one of 12 co-authors of a Letter to the Editor written to the Daily Northwestern that chastised an event hosted by J Street. The Letter argued that an Israeli perspective on the region's history is inherently invalid and that only Palestinian allegations of "colonialism, occupation and settlements" should be presented.
Zahra Haider continues to spread her one-sided, hateful, and dangerous views far and wide thanks to her position at 'NowThis'. Email Athan Stephanopoulos, President of 'NowThis', and demand Zahra Haider is removed from her position for her continued villainization of the Jewish people!