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2020 Antisemite of the Year - Meet the Top 10 Semi-Finalists

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Zahra Haider is a producer at the Digital Media giant 'Now This' and a supporter of the antisemitic BDS movement, convicted terrorists, and Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

She uses her platform at 'Now This' to spread her vile obsession with Jews like producing a segment that falsely claimed Anne Frank did not die in a concentration camp.

Rick Wiles constantly spews horrific antisemitic conspiracy theories on his self hosted show 'True News'.

Wiles claims there is a "Jew Coup" to take down the current President, refers to Jews as the "Synagogue of Satan", and refers to Rabbis as "old, wicked wizards".

Rick Wiles has been kicked off YouTube for spreading hate and PayPal has stopped accepting donations for him due to ongoing hate policy violations.

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Asad Abukhalil is a Jew hating professor spreading his antisemitism to young, impressionable students he teaches at California State University.

During the onset of the COVID-19 global pandemic, he falsely accused Israel of quarantining non-Jews in mass prisons. After being called out on his lie, he blamed the entire fiasco on "Zionist hoodlums".

Abukhalil is a strong supporter of the BDS movement and has previously compared Jews to Nazis.

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Simone Zimmerman is the co-founder of the dangerous self loathing Jewish group, IfNotNow (INN) which recites Kaddish (Jewish mourner's prayer) for terrorists.

Zimmerman has openly praised and supported the BDS movement and organizations such as Jewish Voices for Peace, a radical advocacy group with leaders in Lebanon.

Simone Zimmerman was hired as Bernie Sander's outreach director but was fired after only two days over her controversial social media posts accusing Elie Weisel of using the Holocaust to promote a Zionist agenda.

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Nerdeen Kiswani is a rabid Jew hater and terror supporter that attempts to conceal her vile Jew-hatred as anti-Israel activism.

Kiswani's views were deemed even too radical for her NYC SJP Chapter and she was forced to leave.

She is infamous for calling for death to America and Israel during the Brooklyn 'Day of Rage' protests, threatening to set people on fire over wearing an IDF sweatshirt, and bullying Jewish students at her current law school, CUNY.

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John Angelo Gage is a white nationalist, alt right activist, and antisemitic YouTube personality.

Gage uses his social media platforms to spew lies about the Jewish people. He notoriously claimed that during WW2 Jews were the ones that declared a war on Hitler and chose to proactively spread communism. Gage went further to defend Hitler's choice of placing Jews in concentration camps.

He also claims the Jewish people control the world and have dual loyalties to Israel.

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Mel Gibson has made numerous outrageous hateful comments including antisemitic, racist, and sexist outbursts and allegations. When pulled over by a police officer he went on a horrific tangent screaming "F*cking Jews… The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world".

Earlier this year, A-list Hollywood actress Wynona Ryder stated Gibson referred to her as an "over dodger" inquiring about her Judaism and asked if he would "get AIDS" for touching a gay makeup artists at a party the two attended.

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Carolyn Yeager is a frightening neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who openly spreads her vile Jew hatred.

She claimed the American banking system was overtaken by Jews in the 1990's and defended Hitler's actions during WW2, stating he meant no actual physical harm to anyone and only wanted a unified Germany free of Communism.

After taking a tour of Auschwitz in 2010, Carolyn Yeager outrageously started expressing to her online audience the Concentration Camp was not a death camp, but rather a re-education facility.

Congresswoman Betty McCollum is a cheerleader for the antisemitic BDS movement and frequently targets the Jewish state.

On Holocaust Remembrance Day 2019, Congresswoman McCollum shamefully reintroduced H.R. 2407, a House bill that falsely accused Israel of ill-treating Palestinians and threatened to withhold U.S. security assistance funding to Israel.

The bill also perpetuated the age old antisemitic trope dating back to England circa 1144 that Jews kidnap and torture non-Jewish kids.

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Ice Cube is a former rapper and good friend of notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan. He constantly shares horrific antisemitic content on Twitter to his 5.3 million followers.

He falsely claims modern day Jews are "fake Jews" and that black people are the true Israelites. This antisemitic epithet is often mirrored by hate groups such as the Nation of Islam and the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Ice Cube routinely posts graphics that suggest Jewish bankers make money off the backs of black men and that Judaism is a modern day cult.

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Lawrence Wilkerson

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Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, and frequent peddler of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

In 2007, Wilkerson appeared in a Dutch documentary, claiming that American foreign policy was dominated by "the Jewish lobby".

In a May 2013 interview with Current TV (owned by Qatari state-media Al Jazeera), Wilkerson suggested that the genocide in Syria "could’ve been an Israeli false-flag operation." His outlandish accusations were broadcasted and echoed by various controversial news outlets including Haaretz, Iran’s Press TV, and Hezbollah’s Al-Manar.

In 2015, Wilkerson was tapped to serve as a military and foreign policy adviser for the Bernie Sanders campaign. However, in the wake of yet another controversial interview, he was allegedly dropped by the campaign. In April 2016, after speaking on The Real News Network, Wilkerson claimed "The ultra-right wing of Israel has captured AIPAC and AIPAC has captured the United States Congress. And to a certain extent the oval office as well."

Wilkerson, in a 2018 New York Times opinion article, accused Jewish businessmen Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer of financially coercing the Trump administration into a war with Iran. There was mass about the false allegations, and after a few short hours the Times issued four separate corrections. They essentially removed all of Wilkerson's antisemitic finger-pointing.

Despite Wilkerson's history of inflammatory antisemitic rhetoric, CNN had the audacity to feature him earlier this week in a discussion about election fraud. Currently, Wilkerson is a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises.

Antisemites like Lawrence Wilkerson should not be given airtime to spread their hateful and dangerous views to the American public, especially on issues that impact our safety and security.

Jasbir Puar

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Jasbir Puar is a Professor and Graduate Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University who is radically obsessed with demonizing the Jewish state. She peddles horrific antisemitic conspiracy theories and is a fervent cheerleader for the antisemitic and terrorist-linked BDS movement.

In a 2016 Puar claimed that Israel harvests the organs of non-Jews and assassinates Palestinian teenagers. She also accused Israel of denying Palestinians resources to stunt their growth.

That wasn't the first time Puar falsely accused Israel of crimes against humanity. In a 2014 written interview, she insinuated that Israel uses observational technology to starve and choke Palestinians. "I am most interested in how this works in Gaza—how mathematical algorithms are deployed to fix calorie intake, water supplies, and electric currents, among other infrastructural elements—to create an asphixatory regime of control, in which the Palestinians can breathe and not breathe according to the desires of the Occupier/Israel,” she said.

In 2013, Jasbir Puar applauded the American Studies Association (ASA) move to boycott Israel. As a result of their decision, Brandeis University and Pennsylvania State University withdrew from the ASA, citing antisemitism and unfair bias against Israel.

Puar also accuses Israel of "pinkwashing", a term used by antisemites like CodePink to accuse the Jewish state of advancing the LGBTQ agenda in order to divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a 2010 article titled "Israel's Gay Propaganda War", Puar claimed Israel was funding a misleading PR campaign to paint Israel as progressive and Palestinians as homophobic and uncivilized.

Meanwhile, Israel's LGBTQ rights are recognized as the most developed in the Middle East and the most tolerant in Asia. However, Puar, who is a queer-theorist and gender studies professor, chooses to ignore the truth and continue to demonize the State of Israel and Jewish people.

Puar weaponizes her bigotry toward Jews in academic platforms and spreads her hate to impressionable students. Her outlandish claims serve as an inspiration for those who harbor their own anti-Jewish sentiments, spreading hostility and putting Jews in harm’s way.

Thanks to antisemitic, biased Professors like Jasbir Puar, Vassar College has now earned a reputation as a top ten antisemitic school in America.

Adam Green

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Adam Green is a far-right, antisemitic conspiracy theorist who spreads vile Jew-hatred online. His YouTube show, Know More News, had nearly 130,000 subscribers before it was shut down by the platform. Yet, Green continues to broadcast his bigoted show on Bitchute, an alternative video hosting service, and on his own website, hosted by Squarespace

In addition to displaying his bigotry, Green features numerous known antisemites on Know More News, including white supremacist John Angelo Gage (our August 2020 ASOTW) and rabid Jew-hater Jake Morphonios (our May 2020 ASOTW).

Green is one of the biggest sources of spreading antisemitism pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic

  • On March 5th, 2020 during a Know More News Youtube podcast, Green said - "Super-Zionist Netflix, they came out with a multi-part documentary series called 'Pandemic' right immediately before this outbreak occurred. Coincidence?"

  • On March 13th, 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic, Green tweeted - "When Zionists blame China it makes me suspicious Israel is behind it."

  • In another Know More News podcast on March 22nd, 2020, Green claimed "There’s reports that Israel was calling for a bio-weapon that targets only specific people. An 'ethno-bomb' an 'ethno-weapon.' So makes you wonder…"

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But Adam Green’s Jew-hatred did not start with COVID-19. He has been spewing antisemitic hate for years.

  • On March 17, 2018, Green tweeted: “Get with the program Mike, jews DO run america."

  • On May 1, 2018, Green tweeted: "The jewish Rothchild [sic] controlled central banks have it covered. Go back to sleep."

  • On May 21, 2018, Green shared a Know More News episode on Youtube, titled “The Zionist Plan to Take Over the World" and stated "Israel’s going to take over the world with trade and technology."

Green also shares the same antisemitic rhetoric espoused by the Pittsburgh Tree of Life Synagogue shooter, Richard Bowers. Just before his attack, Bowers posted on Gab - a social media website for neo-Nazis - antisemitic rhetoric blaming Jews and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) for immigration challenges and mass violence. Like Bowers, on November 27, 2017, Green tweeted: “Jews are behind multiculturalism and mass muslim immigration. Kalergi plan! Jews want to end the white race!" This speech leads to physical violence and should not be ignored.


On his website, Adam Green appears to have an obsession with demonizing Israel, spreading antisemitic lies that the Jewish state orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, meddles in U.S. elections, and is responsible for the Beirut port explosion. 

We need YOUR help to stop Adam Green from releasing his antisemitic venom. Contact his website hosting provider, SquareSpace here and report his Twitter account here

Miko Peled

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Miko Peled is a self-loathing Jew that is being weaponized as a useful idiot by antisemites to spread venomous bigotry and hatred toward Israel. Peled, the son of an IDF Major General, Matti Peled, is a staunch supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement whose sole mission is to demonize, ostracize, and vilify Jews and Israel on the international stage and on social media.

Over the years, Peled has made repeated defamatory remarks against Israel and Jews. He has likened Israel to an “apartheid” state and referred to Gaza as an "enormous concentration camp", something that IHRA definition of antisemitism deems in fact, antisemitic. 

On his blog, Peled delusionally claims the BDS movement will lead to "a secular democracy where all Israelis and Palestinians live as equals… in our shared homeland," hiding the fact that the BDS movement calls for the destruction of the Jewish State.

In 2016, Peled drew fire after tweeting that “Jews have reputation [for] being sleazy thieves.” His vile, antisemitic comments led to the cancellation of his speaking engagements at Princeton and San Diego State University.

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Peled pathetically attempted to defend his comment on a Facebook post, writing: "the very people who cry antisemitism all day long are demanding billions of dollars. This is criminal and it lends itself to the claims of Jews being sleazy money grabbing [people]. It’s not my tweet that gives legitimacy to the stereotype – it’s the actions of the government of Israel that causes hatred of Jews. And since they claim Israel represents Jews and mainstream Jews in the US Support Israel the danger in making the stereotype fit is clear."

Miko’s father, Matti Peled, was a leading proponent of Israeli dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) of Yasser Arafat, and was known for his radical, extreme views about Israel. Miko’s son, Eitan Peled, is also a stunt supporter of the of the BDS movement and used to be the programming director of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the president of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), both at UCLA. Eitan Peled believes militant actions by Hamas ... were legitimate resistance and equates the actions of the U.S. military in Iraq and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to terrorism perpetrated by Hamas.

During a 2013 speaking engagement in Calgary, Canada witnesses that attended the event allege that Peled claimed the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust were greatly inflated, something the IHRA definition of antisemitism also clearly categorizes as Jew hatred.

In 2017, speaking at University College London alongside Azzam Tamimi, a prominent Hamas supporter, Peled who loves to describe himself as a peace activist said "Zionists should be treated like Nazis” and “Zionists do not deserve a platform”.

This Sunday, October 18th, Students for Justice in Palestine at Georgetown University will host Miko Peled on Zoom for an event titled "Anti-Zionism vs. Anti-Semitism."

Tokenizing antisemites like Peled is a tactic used by the BDS movement to normalize hatred of Jews.

We need YOUR help - contact Georgetown University's President and Vice President here and demand in the future the University not give antisemites like Miko Peled a state to spew their hate and create division on their camps. 

Hardy Lloyd

Hardy Lloyd is a violent neo-Nazi that has been in and out of state and federal prisons for nearly two decades. He is a former leader of World Church of the Creator, also known as Creativity, a violent white-supremacist hate group that espouses antisemitism. In 2003, he was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility and kicked out of the organization.

In 2004, Hardy Lloyd was charged with killing a woman he met on an online dating site, 41 year old Lori Hann. He shot her in the head, stating he wanted to "to watch her die" to police. At the time of the shooting, watchdog organizations who track hate groups said they believed Lloyd had recently broken from one group to preach as a “lone wolf.” After police searched his home, they found dozens of books on Adolf Hitler and white supremacy, including “White Power.”

Shockingly, Lloyd was found not guilty in the killing of Hann when a jury found he was acting in self defense; he was however convicted of carrying a firearm without a license. He was ordered to serve 11 1/2 to 23 months in jail with three years probation.

After he was freed, Lloyd launched "Universal Fascism" whose stated goal was to "promote open and violent revolt against the Americans, the JEWS, the Economic Elite of the world, and Monotheism!" according to his now deleted website. 

On his now-deleted website, Lloyd taunted the family of the woman he killed with song lyrics about getting away with murder. He titled one song “Bi*ch Killer", a take on Ice T's 1992 single "Cop Killer".

In 2009, after three police officers were killed in the Pittsburgh area, Lloyd praised the murderer's actions on his website, writing "We are meant to kill and die" and "Death to all white people and anglo-saxons". Investigators found a picture on Lloyd’s blog of a shotgun, with the caption, "The best gun I ever used! No revolvers needed, babe!" That information was used as probable cause to conduct a search of Lloyd’s home, where investigators found 10 firearms, including two fully loaded handguns. He was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and was ordered to serve 30 months in federal prison to be followed by three years of supervised release.

Lloyd violated his release, and in 2016, he was sentenced to 14 more months in prison to be followed by 22 months of supervised release. The following year, he violated his release again by circulating antisemitic fliers in the Pittsburgh area and using computers to watch violent videos and order weapons; he was ordered to more prison time. During his bigoted and violent antics, he was caught trespassing Carnegie Melon University. Subsequently, he was cited and banned from their property.

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Shortly after the Pittsburgh Tree of Life shooting massacre that left 11 people dead, Hardy Lloyd posted on social media, "Target: Jew Hill" — a reference to the Jewish neighborhood where the shooting occurred. After an assault weapons ban went into effect that year, he took to social media again, posting "Anyone who supports such laws must be targeted, and their families murdered. Lone Wolves GET BUSY."

In August 2019 Hardy Lloyd was sentenced to two years in the federal lockup, for violating terms of his supervised release and posting the above online threats against Jews and gun-ban advocates, but was released just a year later on October 6, 2020. The Pittsburgh Jewish community has been informed by the authorities to stay vigilant. Hardy Lloyd's unlawful and violent behavior remains a threat to our communities.

For those in the Pittsburgh Area - Stay Informed.

Stay Protected.

Report Any Suspicious Activity Here

Adam Elayan

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Adam Elayan is a terrorist sympathizer and a rabid antisemitic dental student at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. Elayan’s dark plans to kill and cremate Jews were recently exposed as part of the medical list comprised of tens of antisemitic medical professionals published by the anti-racism watchdog known as the Canary Mission.

Mr. Elayan has no shame displaying his hatred for Jews. His online posts reveal antisemitic obsessions; he not only repeats horrendous antisemitic tropes but suggests a desire to physically harm Jews.

His violent statements against Jews indicate a pattern of unethical and dangerous behavior. His inability to practice respect for human dignity violates the code of ethics and conduct for medical professionals.

Some examples of Elayan's posts on Twitter:

  • "I will f*ckin cremate you Jewish b*tch"


  • "Tb [throw back] to my plan of running around Jerusalem with scissors to cut the Jews' sideburn curls off"

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Elayan also spreads age-old antisemitic conspiracy theories on social media. For example, he writes about Jewish world domination and Jews controlling the media and financial systems.

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This dental student has expressed support for terrorists like plane hijacker Leila Khaled. In one social media post, he wears a t-shirt adorned with an image of the convicted terrorist holding a semiautomatic weapon. 

During Operative Protective Edge in 2014, Elayan claimed that Hamas was not a terrorist organization. He has also alleged that the U.S.-designated terrorist group was orchestrated by Israel. 

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Adam Elayan's open hatred of Jews should raise alarm, especially because he is a dentistry student who will provide healthcare services to the public, including Jewish patients. 

His behavior clearly violates Tuft's Code of Ethics, which requires: 

  • Professional excellence and integrity in living, learning, and practicing with the highest ethical and clinical standards. 

  • Respect for each other’s rights, opinions, and beliefs in a diverse, culturally sensitive, and supportive environment.

Jew-hatred has no place in medicine!

We need your help - demand Tufts University and its School of Dentistry expel Adam Elayan! Email Medical Dean Nadeem Karimbux here and Tufts President Anthony Monaco here to voice your outrage.

Nerdeen Kiswani

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Nerdeen Mohsen Kiswani is a rabid antisemite and a terrorism sympathizer that attempts to conceal her vile Jew-hatred as an anti-Israel activism. Kiswani is involved with the antisemitic, Hamas on Campus group - Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on a regional and national level.

Nerdeen served as both President and VP of SJP at Hunter College and the City of New York University (CUNY). She co-founded NYC SJP but after turmoil erupted and the group deemed her too radical, she left and formed Within Our Lifetime (WOL) in early 2018. 

Kiswani doesn’t hide under a politically correct façade like most SJP activists. She often teeters on the brink of violence. Just this week, she was the center of a social media firestorm for threatening to set a Black man on fire. 

In a self-published TikTok post, Kiswani tells a Black man wearing an IDF sweatshirt "I hate your shirt. I’ma set it on fire. I'm serious". In the video, the man appears shocked as Nerdeen lights a flame in his direction.

Violence is not a new pastime for this antisemitic bigot. She often posts on social media about killing Jews, calls for the erasure of the Jewish state, and believes violence is the only means to achieve a Palestinian state. 

  • During a July 2020 'Palestinian Day of Rage' Protest in Brooklyn where calls for death to both America and Israel were heard throughout, Kiswani took center stage telling the group "we don't want our homes in Gaza and the West Bank, we want ALL OF IT!" and chanting "we don't want your two State!"

  • February 2018, Kiswani tweeted: "I was boutta kill a couple settler colonies But they did it to themselves Everybody suicidal They don't even need my help" - me whenever Israel announces a new policy that backs itself further Into isolation and exposes its crimes to the world ."

  • May 2016, Kiswani shared an album on Facebook from a co-sponsored NYC SJP “Nakba Day March for Resistance and Return." The rally also called for violence — as the “one solution."

Nerdeen Mohsen Kiswani seems to also have an odd obsession with glorifying convicted terrorists. 

  • In June 2019, Kiswani posted in a now deleted Instagram photo of her posing with deported terrorist Rasmieh Odeh, adding: “What an amazing woman with an inspiring revolutionary spirit."

  • In December 2016, Kiswani posted another now deleted Instagram photo of her in her room, with pictures of convicted PFLP terrorist Leila Khaled hanging on her wall.

Kiswani openly celebrates terrorism and the murder of Jews. In a January 2017 Facebook post, she praised the Palestinian celebrations of a vehicular ramming attack that killed four people and injured 17 others. She encouraged celebrations, writing: "While Palestinians in the west scramble to condemn, apologize, explain, hide, rationalize, etc. what happened this morning, Palestinians in Palestine are giving out sweets in celebration. I will not hide from this. I will not be ashamed or embarrassed by this. These celebratory actions are what keep the resistance moving forward, they are what keep it alive."

Kiswani is also one of the students allegedly involved in the horrifying antisemitic bullying and harassment of a CUNY law student who ultimately left the school after complaints were ignored by the administration and faculty. 

Nerdeen Mohsen Kiswani is not just a schoolyard bully. She is a bigot who is motivated by violence with a deadly stance on Israel. This behavior threatens the safety of all students and community members who don’t agree with her notorious views.

WE NEED YOUR HELP to call for the expulsion of Nerdeen Mosen Kiswani from CUNY Law School!

Please email CUNY Board of Directors and Chancellor HERE and DEMAND Jewish students and their allies have the right to a safe environment.

The 9/11 Antisemitic Conspiracy Peddlers

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As Americans and allies around the world continue to mourn the loss of nearly 3,000 innocent people murdered in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a fringe movement is busy spreading more hatred. 

Radicals within our borders are exploiting our national pain to further their antisemitic aims, blaming Jews and the State of Israel for the 9/11 attacks.

Many antisemites are responsible for these repulsive and dangerous claims, and we’ll alert you of a few. However, we must be ready to combat these antisemitic conspiracy theories wherever they rear their ugly head. 

Christopher Bollyn is one of the first promoters of the antisemitic 9/11 conspiracy theories. He began writing about the attacks soon after they occurred as a reporter for American Free Press, an antisemitic conspiracy-oriented newspaper. On his website, Bollyn asserts, "The terror attacks of 9/11 were an Israeli false-flag operation that was designed to be blamed on Arab Muslims for the sake of kick-starting the long-planned Zionist strategy known as the 'War on Terror,' which is really an Israeli war agenda to be fought by the U.S."

Ken O'Keefe, whose real name is Kenneth Roy Nichols, is an ex-Marine and antisemitic conspiracy theorist who often peddles in horrific lies about the Jewish people. For example, he claims:  

  • Jewish bankers being "cor­rupt, immoral" who "bought every­thing and every­one that can be bought"

  • Jews con­trol the media and Hol­ly­wood 

  • Israel oper­ates within “Tal­mu­dic dic­tates” that allows Jews to rape non-Jewish three-year-old girls

O'Keefe has traveled the country to promote vile antisemitism, including his favorite topic of blaming Israel and the Mossad for the 9/11 attacks. 

In 2001, he set fire to his United States passport and later was a passenger on the Mavi Marmara flotilla to Gaza, where he claims he attacked two of the Israeli soldiers who boarded the ship, initiating a confrontation in which ten terror affiliated activists were killed.

Kevin Barrett is a former Professor at the University of Wisconsin Madison that promotes Holocaust-denial and radical antisemitic conspiracy theories online and in the media. He’s presented on Press TV, Iran’s English language news network and propaganda machine, and is a writer for Veterans Today, an antisemitic news website.

In a Veterans Today article, Barrett wrote  - "The same forces that orchestrated 9/11 – namely, Operation Gladio B [refers to a supposed secret operation to carry out false flag acts and blame them on Muslim extremists] which is essentially a joint NATO-Israeli project – continue to inflict trauma on the American people with their ongoing false flag operations."

These conspiracy theories can also be readily found throughout the world of radical Islam.

Despite the fact that all the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks were radical Muslims and the operation was organized by Osama Bin Laden, these outlandish antisemitic claims have also reached many areas of the Muslim world. 

Chairman of the Somali Islamic Courts Union, Sheik Sherif Sheik Ahmed, told the Somaliland Times - the "real facts are not available to explain what really happened on September 11th but besides Al Qaeda, it is possible Jews were behind it."

In March 2019, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who was born in Somalia, stated at a benefit dinner of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas Terror group, that "some people did something" when speaking about the 9/11 attacks. Many believe the Jew-hating Congresswoman was invoking the same antisemitic trope shared by her native country's Islamic Sheik over a decade earlier. 

We are horrified that these hurtful and atrocious antisemitic conspiracy theories still exist, 19 years after the tragic 9/11 attacks took place. Social media has enabled them to spread faster and wider, and we cannot afford this amplification of hatred to continue.

It is more crucial than ever that social media users urge giants like Facebook, YouTube (owned by Google), and Twitter to take measures to eliminate these dangerous lies from their websites!

Leila Khaled

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This month, San Francisco State University is bringing Leila Khaled, a Terrorist in Suit, to teach our young generation about the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which is the new face of antisemitsm today.

Leila Khaled is a Marxist loving, convicted PLFP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) terrorist who hijacked two planes on separate occasions.

In August 1969, Khaled was part of a team that hijacked TWA Flight 840 on its way from Rome to Tel Aviv, diverting the Boeing 707 to Damascus, Syria. 

Just a year later on September 1970, she attempted to hijack El Al Flight 219 from Amsterdam to New York City as part of a series of four simultaneous hijackings carried out by the PFLP known as 'Black September'. The only reason the hijacking was not successful was because Khaled’s grenades miraculously failed to explode.

Khaled was arrested in London and stated to the British authorities, “I am the leader of the hijack. My name is Leila Khaled and I am a member of the PFLP". When asked about her involvement, she stated "“I don’t regret it, I was honored by that mission".

In a 2014 interview Khaled suggested that the Second Intifada, which killed 1,137 Jews and injured 8,341 more, failed because it was not violent enough.

In a 2015 interview she claimed that ISIS is an American creation supported through Turkey with arms from Israel. She argues ISIS was supported by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, America’s allies “who planned the thing”.

In a 2017 speaking engagement with the European Parliament, Khaled had the audacity to compare the horrors of Auschwitz to that of Gaza and made several other comparisons between Nazi Germany and Israel; such comparisons have been declared antisemitic by the IHRA definition of antisemitism. She also declared that there will be no peace if there is even one Zionist (Jew) in Israel and that Zionists (Jews) should live in fear. 

Despite her horrific actions and rhetoric, Leila Khaled has become the poster girl for radical progressives. She is often portrayed as a feminist trailblazer for the Palestinian resistance. Her image is often paraded on posters, flyers, t-shirts, and murals on college campuses.

Even more disturbing later this month, on September 23rd, San Francisco State University plans to host a discussion titled "Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, and Resistance," featuring Khaled as their keynote speaker.

While the community has expressed massive outrage, the University refuses to cancel the event, stating "A University is a marketplace of ideas, and SF State supports the rights of all individuals to express their viewpoints and other speech protected by law, even when those viewpoints may be controversial."

San Francisco State University (SFSU), a federally funded school, is allowing a convicted terrorist to speak openly on campus to young, impressionable students. The school has received over $28 MILLION in Federal subsidies under the 2020 CARES act.

SFSU is no stranger to promoting antisemitism in public and last year after two Jewish students who allege the university discriminated against them, the Lawfare Project and Winston & Strawn LLP reached a landmark settlement in their lawsuits against the whole California State University (CSU) public university system, where CSU agreed to acknowledge Zionism as an important part of Jewish identity and implement wide-ranging measures to protect Jewish students

No matter how many excuses and cover-ups are attempted, Leila Khaled remains a convicted terrorist who continues to promote antisemitism, hate, and violence. San Francisco State University is a repeated antisemitic offender and is complicit in Ms. Khaled’s bigotry and Jew-hatred.

Jon Minadeo II - The LA Banner Dropping Bigot

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Jon Minadeo II is a vile Jew-hater white supremacist resident of Petaluma, CA, who leads the antisemitic group, Goyim Defense League (GDL). He has been inciting hate and harassing Jewish people both in the streets of California and on the internet for years.

Last summer Minadeo was suspected of posting antisemitic flyers around the Northern California towns of Santa Rosa and Novato, including at the San Marin high school. The flyers insinuated that Jews orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. Residents reported the flyers to the local police. Novato Police Chief Adam McGill  later announced that there would be no investigation because the flyers were protected by the First Amendment.


This past weekend Jon Minadeo II hung multiple banners above the busy Los Angeles interstate 405 highway that read: "Honk if you know the Jews want a race war.” He also drove around the area in a rented van, vandalized with "Trump is owned by Jew$" and other antisemitic messages. 


That same day, Minadeo and his crew traveled to a Chabad Jewish Center in Marina Del Rey. They trespassed shirtless to spew more Jew-hatred with a bullhorn. The events caused outrage among the community and went viral on social media. The police were flooded with calls and complaints. But, due to First Amendment protections, Minadeo and his friends were again not charged. 

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Internet obscurity has provided Jon Minadeo II with several avenues to share his antisemitic propaganda and conspiracy theories globally.  

After his YouTube channel was terminated for multiple hate speech policy violations, Minadeo filed trademarks for Handsome Truth and Goyim Defense League to create a “clone” site called GoyimTV.org, where he continued his hate parade. On the website, he spewed antisemitic canards and managed to successfully monetize his hate content.

This week, GoyimTV.org finally came to an end after we—StopAntisemitism.org—called to action our social media community to contact GoyimTV's web hosting provider, Epik, and warn them about GoyimTV.org. Within hours, Epik deemed Minadeo's website violated hate speech policy and removed it.

But within days, the hate group resumed publishing its antisemitic content through a BitChute - hosted channel called Handsome Truth GDL (for Goyim Defense League).


We need YOUR help to stop Jon Minadeo II from having yet another stage to broadcast his Jew-hatred. Combat his vile bigotry and email Bitchute to demand his account is removed for content violation!

Angelo John Gage

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Angelo John Gage is a white nationalist and alt right activist. Gage, who cosplays as a former Marine who served in the Iraq War, often tapes himself with bought uniforms pictured in the background and enjoys expressing his deep antisemitic sentiments under the cover of having mental health issues. 

Gage used to run the now-defunct National Youth Front (NYF), which has been described as the youth arm of the American Freedom Party (AFP), a recognized white nationalist group. He reportedly resigned as chairman before his first child was born and handed control of the organization to the neo-Nazi Identity Evropa groupfounder, Nathan Damigo.

He then pursued elected office in 2014 in New Jersey as part of the AFP, during which he appeared on the radio program of white supremacist David Duke. Gage also hosted a program on the white nationalist website, The White Voice.

In 2012, Angelo Gage wrote on the racist and antisemitic website Stormfront that he found out “the real Jewish question and the whole ww2 and hitler truth” and “EVERYTHING connects and leads back to the jews — the evil jews.” 

In 2016, Gage deleted all of the content from his YouTube channel after he said he was attacked by people in the hate movement but relaunched back all his vile content  in December of 2018. Since then, Angelo John Gage has been on a never ending antisemitic tirade against the Jewish people.

On his YouTube and Twitter platforms Gage has claimed the following atrocious antisemitic lies and tropes:

  • Jews have dual loyalty to Israel (tweeted below)

  • Communism was “surely made by Jewish minds, yet implemented by Asians and Latinos without a single matzah ball shoved down their throat” 

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Earlier this week, the FBI Records Archive randomly and without any context posted in a now deleted Tweet referencing the antisemitic forgery book "Elders of Zion", often used my Adolph Hitler to carry out his systematic genocidal murder of six million Jews. Angelo Gage, along with other jew haters like Andrew Anglin, wasted no time praising the FBI (who has since apologized for the error) for supposedly exposing the master plan of Jewish global domination. 

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We need YOUR help in stopping Angelo John Gage from further spewing his white nationalist, neo nazi, antisemitic rhetoric to thousands. Please report his Twitter account here.

Miko Grimes


Meet Miko Grimes, the embarrassing wife of former NFL Miami Dolphins football player Brent Grimes.

This past week Miko came under fire for posting a horrific antisemitic video to her Instagram story. She proclaimed DeSean Jackson was right about a Jewish plan for world domination. "If you're Jewish and you're mad, oh well. You stole the religion ... Jewish people were black ... you stole it and everybody knows the reason," she said.

After outraged social media users contacted Miko about her atrocious comments, she doubled down on hate rhetoric and continued using Louis Farrakhan hate speech calling Jews "fake Hebrews" and claiming Jews own the media, Hollywood, and banks, perpetuating some of the oldest antisemitic tropes and conspiracies.

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However, this isn't Miko's first bout with antisemitism or belligerent behavior. She was arrested in 2015 for battery against a police officer, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest. 

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In 2016, she used antisemitic language to attack Dolphins' owner Stephen Ross and Executive VP of Football Operations Mike Tannenbaum, tweeting "Gotta respect ross for keeping his Jew buddies employed but did he not see how Tannenbaum put the jets in the dumpster w/that Sanchez deal?🤔 "

She attempted to later clarify her intent was not to offend just TWO Jewish people, tweeting: "Think I'm gonna tweet racist remarks in an attempt to offend TWO PEOPLE? Lmao!! Why would I?" 

In another statement to ESPN regarding the incident, Miko claimed "Anyone that thinks I'm a racist need to build a fu*king bridge and get over it. I'm not a racist, I'm a realist."

Her Twitter account has since been permanently suspended. 

Shortly after the incident, Brett Grimes was released from the Miami Dolphins. Dolphins’ owner Stephen Ross acknowledged it was in part due to his wife’s, Miko, behavior.

Miko’s antisemitic rhetoric cost her husband’s contract and her livelihood. She was previously considered for an Esquire reality show, but due to her bigotry and after her hateful tweet went viral, the network said goodbye.

It's clear that Miko Grimes is a vile Antisemite whose hatred is not going away any time soon but just exponentially increasing. 

We need YOUR help in removing Miko Grimes from Instagram. Visit her profile here and report the account - let’s put a stop to her spreading Jew-hatred!



Richard Kylea Cowie Jr., better known by his stage name 'Wiley', is a British rapper, songwriter, DJ and record producer from East London.

On July 24th, the rapper came under fire after posting a stream of vile, antisemitic tweets which included claims of connections between the Jewish community and the Ku Klux Klan, as well as repeated tropes about Jews and money.

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"Jewish people don’t care what black went through they just use us to make money to feed their kids… for generations as well", he wrote in another tweet.

Wiley also attacked Israel’s legitimacy as a Jewish state: "Israel is not yours" and "The Star of David that’s our ting … Some people have gotten too comfortable on lands that don’t belong to them."

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"Hold some corn Jewish community you deserve it..." another Wiley tweet read, a slang expression Twitter users allege was a threat to shoot Jews. This tweet and others led to the police paying the rapper a visit.

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The following day, Wiley’s management team announced they were dropping him; shortly thereafter his manager Josh Wolf, who is Jewish, also cut ties with the now-disgraced rapper. 

On Tuesday July 28, Facebook and Instagram permanently removed Wiley from their platforms followed by Twitter on July 29. After having his platforms removed, Wiley claimed he wasn't racist in an interview with Sky News.

The permanent suspension of the rapper's Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profiles has been widely welcomed. However, it is emblematic of the slowness of social media platforms to act on hateful abuse and many are asking why this took so long.

Time and time again, decisive action from social media sites over antisemitism comes only after comments have already reached thousands of users. Wiley’s case proves just how true this is. Only after a massive global 'walkout' campaign was organized by British Jews and their allies did the social media giants act.

Removing Wiley's social media platforms isn't enough; we must demand streaming services cease playing the antisemitic rapper's music like YouTube did on August 5th, disabling his ability to profit from hate!

We need YOUR help to remove 'Wiley' from Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music

  • Contact Spotify CEO Daneil Elk here and demand rapper 'Wiley' is removed from their platform

  • Email Amazon Music here to demand Amazon cease streaming all music by 'Wiley'

  • File a complaint with Apple Music here stating 'Wiley' should not be profiting from hate

Rodney Muhammad

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Rodney Muhammad, the President of the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP civil rights organization, is facing calls from Jewish and non-Jewish groups and leaders alike to resign after posting an atrocious antisemitic meme on his Facebook page on July 23.

The meme included a quote falsely attributed to French philosopher Voltaire and a caricature frequently used by white supremacists called "The Happy Merchant" depicting a hook-nosed man in a kippah rubbing his hands together. The offensive caricature was posted alongside photos of Ice CubeDeSean Jackson and Nick Cannon, all of whom recently also posted antisemitic comments on their social media and the quote: "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

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Muhammad removed the post after receiving condemnations from several local elected officials, faith leaders and members of the Black community and claimed "he didn't realize the image included was offensive to Jewish people." He further claimed "To be real honest with you, I didn’t even pay attention to the picture.” 

State Senator (D) Anthony Hardy Williams said he would no longer work with the local NAACP if Muhammad remains in charge. "I cannot accept anything less than an apology and stepping out of the way" and Pennsylvania Governor (D) Tom Wolf tweeted he was joining others calling for Muhammad to step down.

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This however isn't Rodney Muhammad's first bigoted social media post. When taking a look at his Facebook page, one can see his timeline has been laced with a multitude of atrocious Jew-hatred including a video which features DeSean Jackson accuracy in claiming that blacks are the true Jews and that the current socially accepted "white Jews" are extorting and blackmailing America as part of a plot to achieve world domination. The video also claims Jews "have oppressed Palestinians and Africans".

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By sharing this content on Facebook timeline for his followers to see, Rodney Muhammad is spreading horrific antisemitic ideas. There’s simply no excuse.

Unsurprisingly, Rodney Muhammad is an ardent fan of rabid Jew-hater and Nation of Islam (NOI) leader Louis Farrakhan. Muhammad serves as a minister in Muhammad Mosque 12, an NOI mosque in Philadelphia. The Muhammad Mosque 12 Facebook page also has multiple examples of vile antisemitism.

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Rather than using his leadership position to bridge the division between the Black and Jewish communities, minister Rodney Muhammad appears hell-bent on doing the exact opposite. 

We are extremely concerned that the national chapter of the NAACP has taken this long to remove Muhammad from his position and call on them to do so immediately. 

Owen Benjamin

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Owen Smith (stage name "Owen Benjamin") is an alt-right, neo-Nazi supporter "entertainer" that spreads antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and conspiracy theories via social media. 

Examples of Owen's vile antisemitism include the following:

  • Just earlier this week, Minister Rodney Muhammad, the President of the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP, posted a similar image with the same white supremacist quote falsely attributed to French philosopher Voltaire which also contains images of actor and rapper Ice Cube, Philadelphia Eagles star DeSean Jackson and TV host Nick Cannon - all who have recently made antisemitic posts.

  • In a YouTube livestream in March 2019 (now deleted), he claimed Adolf Hitler "Really what he was trying to do was clean Germany, clean it of the parasites, of the fleas. He did not hate Jews. He hated filth and he was trying to clean up." 

  • In the same YouTube livestream Benjamin yelled "Jews run our entire media, all of Hollywood, all of pornography" and "if they get power, they will destroy your entire civilization! Has anyone not seen that happening?

  • In April 2019, Benjamin posted a (now deleted) image of text that read: “For the record I like a lot of Jews. They’re just usually the ones who act like non-Jews.”

  • In June 2019, Benjamin wrote in another (now deleted) Instagram post "Not all Jews own the press but all press is owned by the Jews...” 

  • In numerous YouTube videos, he is seen wearing his favorite "grabbler" mask while mocking Jews and antisemitism. The mask is an antisemitic caricature used to portray a greedy, hook-nosed thief.

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  • In March 2020, in the midst of the COVID19 crisis, Owen referred to the virus as "Holocough" - an antisemitic term relating to the word “Holocaust”. The slang is used to encourage spreading the virus to kill Jews.

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  • In April 2020, a Twitter user uploaded a video footage of Benjamin singing a parody version of the song “Where everybody knows your name,” by Gary Portnoy. He altered the song to include "Corona was a stupid thing, invented by Masons & Jews", ultimately blaming the Jewish people for starting the worst global pandemic the world has seen in a century. 

While Owen Benjamin’s Twitter account has been suspended and his YouTube Channel deleted for violating community standards on hate, we need YOUR help to remove this vile Jew hating bigot from Instagram where is he still spreading his antisemitism. 

You can report his Instagram account here and here.

DeSean Jackson

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DeSean Jackson, a wide receiver for the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles, which are owned by Jewish-American Jeffrey Lurie, is one of the latest American sports figures to parade his antisemitism on social media.

On July 6th, he posted on his Instagram story a quote falsely attributed to Adolf Hitler that claims Jews “will blackmail America. [They] will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were.” 

To make his bigotry clear, Jackson shared another hateful Instagram post later that day. This time he redacted only some of the offensive text while highlighting a portion about a "plan for world domination.”


DeSean Jackson’s Jew-hatred is nothing new. He previously proclaimed his admiration for the Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan. 

Farrakhan, a known antisemite, has increased tensions between the African American and Jewish communities over the past several decades.

Following outrage by social media users, the traditional press, and the Philadelphia Eagles' leadership, Jackson apologized for his behavior on July 7. He claimed no ill will toward the Jewish people and promised to do better. 

On July 9, Jackson seemingly took his apology one step further by accepting an invitation from New England Patriot's player Julian Edelman, who is Jewish, to tour the U.S. Holocaust Museum. 

On July 10th, after being fined by the Eagles for an undisclosed amount, Jackson spoke with a 94 year old Holocaust survivor via Zoom and further accepted an invitation to visit Auschwitz in the future. 

Fast forward to Wednesday July 15th. Veteran rapper 50 Cent condemned now disgraced TV host Nick Cannon for Cannon's own antisemitic, conspiracy ridden rant from his 2019 podcast. ViacomCBS dropped Cannon after his antisemitic comments were exposed. 

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But how did DeSean Jackson respond? He blasted 50 Cent on Instagram for calling out Nick Cannon’s antisemitism, saying: “DAMN 50 LIK WHAT YOU ON?”. 

We must ask ourselves: if DeSean Jackson is TRULY sorry for his atrocious, antisemitic behavior, why would he post, and then within minutes delete, his attack of 50 Cent for condemning antisemitism?

Larry Johnson

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Larry Alphonso Johnson Jr., former NFL running back for the Kansas City Chiefs, is the latest American athlete to jump on the antisemitic bandwagon. Johnson's bigoted and violent behavior, however, is nothing new and spans over a decade.

In 2009, the Chiefs suspended Johnson for his tweets that involved the use of anti-gay slurs. Between 2008 and 2012, Johnson was arrested several times for battery against women, including choking an ex-girlfriend into consciousness.

Johnson’s Jew-hatred runs deep. He is a fanboy of our previous Antisemite of the Week Louis Farrakhan — the leader of the antisemitic movement, the Nation of Islam. Last March, Johnson referred to the Hip Hop world as a "Jewish Plantation", insinuating that Jews in the music industry use African American artists as slaves.

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In 2019, Johnson outrageously proclaimed that the Jewish people are fake, “Khazar Jews”, who have no connection to the land of Israel and the Sephardic Jews. This horrific antisemitic conspiracy is often propagated by radical Muslims, the Palestinian Authority, the alt-right movement, Nation of Islam leaders, and embraced by radical Black Hebrew Israelites


When fellow NFL player Desean Jackson shared a series of antisemitic Instagram posts last week, Larry Johnson not only defended his behavior but amplified Jackson's bigoted and untrue rhetoric. Johnson further claimed that antisemitism is a lie invented by Jews.


He continued his antisemitic twitter rant by tweeting a fabricated quote that alleges Jews are "the devil’s people".

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Johnson used nearly every antisemitic trope in the antisemitic playbook. He even expressed Holocaust denial, suggesting that the death of a young child deported to a Nazi concentration camp is also a lie.

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Larry Johnson’s bigoted behavior is dangerous. There is no excuse for inciting hatred, and Twitter needs to take responsibility for its platform. Click here to report Johnson's Twitter account.