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Angelo John Gage

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Angelo John Gage is a white nationalist and alt right activist. Gage, who cosplays as a former Marine who served in the Iraq War, often tapes himself with bought uniforms pictured in the background and enjoys expressing his deep antisemitic sentiments under the cover of having mental health issues. 

Gage used to run the now-defunct National Youth Front (NYF), which has been described as the youth arm of the American Freedom Party (AFP), a recognized white nationalist group. He reportedly resigned as chairman before his first child was born and handed control of the organization to the neo-Nazi Identity Evropa groupfounder, Nathan Damigo.

He then pursued elected office in 2014 in New Jersey as part of the AFP, during which he appeared on the radio program of white supremacist David Duke. Gage also hosted a program on the white nationalist website, The White Voice.

In 2012, Angelo Gage wrote on the racist and antisemitic website Stormfront that he found out “the real Jewish question and the whole ww2 and hitler truth” and “EVERYTHING connects and leads back to the jews — the evil jews.” 

In 2016, Gage deleted all of the content from his YouTube channel after he said he was attacked by people in the hate movement but relaunched back all his vile content  in December of 2018. Since then, Angelo John Gage has been on a never ending antisemitic tirade against the Jewish people.

On his YouTube and Twitter platforms Gage has claimed the following atrocious antisemitic lies and tropes:

  • Jews have dual loyalty to Israel (tweeted below)

  • Communism was “surely made by Jewish minds, yet implemented by Asians and Latinos without a single matzah ball shoved down their throat” 

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Earlier this week, the FBI Records Archive randomly and without any context posted in a now deleted Tweet referencing the antisemitic forgery book "Elders of Zion", often used my Adolph Hitler to carry out his systematic genocidal murder of six million Jews. Angelo Gage, along with other jew haters like Andrew Anglin, wasted no time praising the FBI (who has since apologized for the error) for supposedly exposing the master plan of Jewish global domination. 

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We need YOUR help in stopping Angelo John Gage from further spewing his white nationalist, neo nazi, antisemitic rhetoric to thousands. Please report his Twitter account here.