UPDATE: Quran is now under investigation and has been placed on desk duty; more here.
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Ismail Quran is a Cleveland, Ohio police officer who glorifies Hitler, spreads Jew hatred and antisemitic conspiracy theories, and proudly defends terrorists like Osama Bin Laden.
Shockingly, in November 2021, Quran was honored by the Cleveland Police Department with the 2019 Officer of the Year award; at the same ceremony he received the Distinguished Service Medal.
Quran alarmingly tweeted from his Twitter account @iSH_1988 - "F*ck that Jew" and added a Hitler meme with "LET ME SALUTE TO HITLER THE GREAT - I would have killed all the jews of the world, but i kept some to show the world why i killed them." Quran's tweet was in reply to NBA player Patrick Beverley, who lovingly referred to his teammate, Jewish basketball player Omri Casspi, as his "Israeli brother" in a tweet.
In a ridiculous attempt to defend his vile antisemitism, Quran tweeted that his Hitler post was meant for Zionists, not Jews. According to the United States Holocaust Museum, at the end of WW2 approximately six million Jews, or 2/3rd's of Europe's Jewish population, were murdered by Hitler and his SS Nazi regime.
Quran further continued his antisemitic Twitter tirades throughout the years, posting horrendous hateful content directed at Jews (not Zionists as claimed above) including:
Quran also spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories including Jews running the world, controlling the government, and America being puppeteered by Israel.
Equally shocking as his hatred of the Jewish people is his support for global terrorist Osama Bin Laden. Quran was discovered belonging to a secret Facebook group in 2017 who's goal was to "honor the late Osama Bin Laden."
Ismail Quran has never apologized for his horrific racist tweets NOR has he removed them. His disdain and hatred of the Jewish people is clear and available for the world to see. Only when Canary Mission first exposed Quran's antisemitism on June 16th and we tweeted about the disgraced officer on Friday June 17th did he disable his entire Twitter account; his archived tweets however can all be viewed here.
Police officers are in positions of authority and Ismail Quran's antisemitism puts Jewish citizens of Cleveland in harm’s way! We need YOUR help - please email Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb and demand Quran is terminated from the Cleveland Police Force and his 2019 awards rescinded as he is unfit to carry out his "duties with a reverence for human life and in partnership with members of the community."