Veteran Israel basher and Jew hater , Ali Abunimah , recently finished up a U.S. College speaking tour during which he poisoned the minds of young students as he touted his 2014 book: “The Battle for Justice in Palestine”. In it, Abunimah argues the sole solution for the Israel/Palestinian conflict is the elimination of the Jewish State in full .
Abunimah is the co-founder of the "Electronic Intifada" or in essence, the “online Armed Struggle for the liberation of Palestine”. Electronic Intifada has strong ties and promotes the biggest Jew hating movement in the world, the B.D.S. Movement. As was recently exposed , the B.D.S. movement was established by designated terror organizations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and is infiltrated by terror operatives. In fact, the German Bundestag last month deemed the BDS movement as a vile anti-Semitic movement, which radicalizes all other hate movements and reminiscing of the Nazi propaganda machine.
Other than advocating for the annihilation of the State of Israel, Abuminah is also an open supporter of convicted terrorists who launched attacks on innocent civilians. Abunimah's resume includes the following statements and actions :
Compared Israel to Nazi Germany numerous times, an analogy the United States Department of State declared anti-Semitic
Compared Israel’s domestic intelligence, the Shin Bet, to “Death Squads.”
Tweeted “Isn’t it the time for a popular Palestinian revolution in the form of a third intifada?”
Admitted that in his “One State Solution” we couldn’t rule out some disastrous situation [for the Jews]”
Publicly defended Hamas’ abduction of Gilad Shalit and maintains he should not have had contact with the Red Cross
Brands any Palestinian who engages in peace talks with Israel as a “collaborator”
It's time we hold Universities (i.e. UC Berkeley ) that give platforms to anti-Semites like Abunimah accountable, because no other form of bigotry would be so openly paraded and condoned.