Update September 4, 2019: Eighty Jewish and pro-Israel groups signed a letter sent on Tuesday to the chancellor and general counsel of California State University that demands answers about a professor’s continued use of the school’s name to spread antisemitism and false propaganda against the State of Israel; more here.
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Academic Institutions are supposed to teach young students critical thinking skills with an open minded analysis of all arguments. But thanks to Professors like Rabab Abdulhadi, Associate Professor of Race and Resistance Studies at San Francisco State University (SFSU), Colleges across America have turned into indoctrination centers of hate and intolerance, specifically targeting Jewish studentAccording to a 2015 report, Abdulhadi cultivated alliances between SFSU and two Palestinian universities, An-Najah and the Hamas-dominated Birzeit. Per the report, Abdulhadi organized and led a 2014 SFSU-funded "Academic and Labor Delegation to Palestine," which met with terrorists like Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah,who are affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Islamic Jihad – both designated terrorist organizations by the State Department. Abdulhadi invited SFSU students to join the trip, which she reportedly referred to as a “political solidarity tour."
During a March 6, 2014 SFSU faculty event, Abdulhadi praised convicted terrorist Leila Khaled as “an icon in liberation movements and…an icon for women’s liberation". Khaled participated in the hijacking of TWA Flight 840 in 1969 and El Al Flight 219 in 1970.
In June of 2014, after Abdulhadi was accused of using public funds to finance a trip that met with known terrorists, she issued a public statement in which she insisted that she was “was under no obligation to inform the university of each and every person with whom [she] met."
On October 9, 2018, Abdulhadi published an op-ed in Mondoweiss in which she accused SFSU President Wong and the administration of going “the extra mile to acquiesce to the...Zionist campaign." Abdulhadi wrote that “after President Wong’s Israel trip" she faced a "large scale Zionist attack" and accused the Israel lobby in deploying "false charges of antisemitism" against her. Abdullahi also accused those who support the state of Israel of being the “real" anti-Semites.
Abdulhadi was also a keynote speaker at the 2018 National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Conference, held at UCLA. SJP is a Hamas front on campus and one of their stated goals is to eradicate the state of Israel.
In 2018, Abdulhadi was named a defendant in a lawsuit filed by the Lawfare Project on behalf of a SFSU Jewish students that alleged the University promoted an anti-Semitic environment and failed to protect its Jewish students. According to the press release from the Lawfare Project, which served as co-counsel to the plaintiffs, SFSU agreed to several crucial steps as part of the settlement, including issuing a public statement that it understands that “for many Jews, Zionism is an important part of their identity and will create a new position, coordinator of Jewish student life, as part of its Division of Equity & Community Inclusion, and allocate $200,000 to support “educational efforts to promote viewpoint diversity.
Professor Abdulhadi is now under fire for using a University Facebook page to continue her promotion of Israel bashing and anti-Semitism. The AMED (Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas) Studies at SFSU page states it "provides an intellectual home to scholarship and analysis on pertinent issues affecting Arab and Muslim communities". However, a brief review of the page shows that it's main goal is to bash Israel. Eighty Groups have now petitioned the SFSU Chancellor protesting Abdulhadi's use of the page as a tool to spread her anti-Semitism and false propaganda against Israel.
Abdulhadi's July Facebook post "Zionism = racism" have resulted in eighty Groups petitioning the SFSU Chancellor over Abdulhadi's use of the page as a tool to spread her anti-Semitism and false propaganda against Israel. But rather than take responsibility for the hatred she is breeding, Rabab instead turned around and is suing SFSU for trying to contain her anti-Semitism!
When Abdulhadi delivered a guest lecture at UCLA to roughly 100 anthropology students, equating Zionism with White Supremacy, CAIR defended her and condemned any attempt to dispute her controversial statements. Prior to the lecture, students said they were told attendance was mandatory and that the lecture would cover topics of Islamophobia.
Rabab Abdulhadi is feeding the minds of the next generation of students and academics with hate, racism, and anti-Semitism.
She has cultivated ties with Hamas-dominated universities, glorified terrorists, trivialized the kidnapping and murder of Israeli high-schoolers and endorsed hate speech. All while being employed by a public university SFSU a six figure plus salaryto do so.
What can you do to help?
Call the Chancellor of the California State University System Timothy White at 562.951.4000 and demand Rabab Abdulhadi is fired from SFSU once and for all!