Meet Andrew Anglin, the Neo-Nazi “on the run” who launched The Daily Stormer, a shameful excuse of a website dedicated to spreading antisemitism, neo-Nazism, and white-Supremacy ideas for all the "disenfranchised and angry white males under the age of thirty".
Anglin is part of the most extreme element of the alt-right, a segment of the white supremacist movement consisting of a loose network of racists, antisemites and anti-feminists who deny the holocaust, and promote hatred and conspiracy theories against Jews.
Anglin uses internet trolling to attack Jews on a daily basis, using crude antisemitic language to describe various figures through his disgusting online endeavors. In the “Jewish Problem” section of The Daily Stormer, he accuses Jews of all sorts of societal ills; he also lauds Hitler and promotes Holocaust denial.
Anglin, who considers himself a troll (slang for a person starting fights on the internet), instructs his readers and followers, the “Stormer Troll Army”, to inundate perceived enemies, mostly being Jews, with hateful messages on social media. Anglin has also posted extensive instructions on “how to troll people”, and carried out these tactics against Jewish journalists and Jewish public figures, including politicians.
In December 2016, Anglin took his trolling a few steps further. By using his bigoted influence, he directed his followers to launch a virtual attack on the Jewish community of Whitefish, Montana. Not only was the community targeted, but he had also specifically targeted a Jewish realtor from Whitefish, Tanya Gersh and tried to force her to sell her property in town. As Whitefish’s Jewish residents were harassed with threatening emails, phone calls and on social media, Anglin announced his plans to bring armed racist skinheads and a Hamas representative for a rally in the town.
Tanya Gersh, photo credit Dan Chung
In June 2019, Gersh who successfully sued Anglin has been awarded a $14 million dollar judgement against Anglin and the Daily Stormer. Gersh is unable to collect on her judgement because Anglin has fled the country and is supposedly in Africa or the Philippines.
Because of his vile racism and Jew hatred, Anglin and his Daily Stormer website were dropped by hosting companies GoDaddy, Zoho, SendGrid and Cloudflare; he was even rejected by Rozcom, a large dark web Russian national registrar. Anglin finally found a company out of the Philippines to host him.
Recently Andrew Anglin and his Daily Stormer joined forces with Jew hater Nick Fuentes & his America First movement to protest the First Family, who as they claim, cares more about billionaires and Israel than about them.
While it's easy to dismiss people like Andrew Anglin as unhinged and crazy, we can no longer ignore his large influence over millions of young impressionable minds. The social media accounts of white nationalists like Anglin, Nick Fuentes and Richard Spencer have grown 600% since 2016; as researchers are finding the incidents of school shootings are increasing with social media use, there is an even greater urgency to expose and stop influential hateful bigots like Andrew Anglin.