Max Blumenthal pictured with convicted terrorist, Rasmea Odeh in 2015.
Max Blumenthal, whose Jewish father Sidney Blumenthal, was a former Clinton aide, began his career in 2002 as a radical left-wing journalist and already in 2013 and 2014 the Simon Wiesenthal Center named him as one of the country's most prominent antisemites. In 2015, Blumenthal founded a website called “The Grayzone Project,” which is a one-stop propaganda shop, devoted largely to pushing a pro-Assad line on Syria, a pro-regime line on Venezuela, and specifically, a pro-Hamas line on Israel. Blumenthal currently works as a writing fellow at the Nation Institute, which is funded, in part, by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
Max is a useful Idiot Jew serving as an outspoken supporter and promotor of the antisemitic BDS movement. His book "Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel" drew condemnation even from far left-wing critics of Israel for his outlandish antisemitic opinions and the Louis Brandies Center blamed him for mainstreaming antisemitism. The Nation's Eric Alterman blasted the book, claiming it "could have been published by the Hamas Book-of-the-Month Club (if it existed)."
Max Blumenthal has a long and well known history of antisemitism:
Blumenthal was disinvited from a scheduled speaking engagement by the German “Die Linke” (The Left) party due to his antisemitic views.
Blumenthal’s antics earned him a lifetime ban from the German parliament.
Blumenthal’s works have been cited and praised by radical extremists and neo-Nazis and have been featured on the antisemitic, Islamist blog, Electronic Intifada as well as the neo-Nazi Internet forum, Stormfront.
The left-leaning news outlet Forward referred to Blumenthal’s book as so anti-Israel it, “makes even anti-Zionists blush.”
Blumenthal compared Israel with the Islamic terror group ISIL (=ISIS), calling the Jewish state “JSIL” or the “Jewish State of Israel and the Levant.”
Blumenthal called Israelis “Judeo-Nazis.”
Blumenthal was caught red-handed conjuring up fictitious quotes maligning Israel by Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor of the liberal publication, the Atlantic.
Blumenthal spoke at an event held by the British charity War on Want (WoW), which has sponsored numerous anti-Israel events and helped pay for “Israeli Apartheid Week”. According to the London Telegraph, undercover recordings showed that these WoW events were replete with “anti-Semitism, demands for the destruction of Israel, [and] naked support for terror.”
He also has appeared numerous times as a speaker at fundraising banquets for the Council on American-Islamic Relation (CAIR), a group known for ties to Palestinian terror organization.
The Tablet has described his work as "anti-Zionist polemic dripping with cartoon-like, racially weighted depictions of Jews. What distinguishes him from many other anti-Zionist writers is not his political views, but the obsessive nature of his work, which seems animated not by moral passion or analysis but by hate."
Coming from Jewish descent with a vile antisemitic resume like Max Blumenthal's, is it a wonder he was praised by one of the most notorious white supremacists in America, David Duke.
Max Blumenthal greatly surpasses the boundaries of a polarizing figure into glaring antisemitism. He is the perfect example of no matter where we encounter Jew hatred, we must expose and stop it.