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James Strick - The Intolerant Professor

James Strick is a Professor and Program Chair of Environmental Studies and the Program Chair of Science, Technology and Society at Franklin & Marshall College (F&M) in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He is an ardent supporter of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and has a track record of defending campus activities and groups that attack and harass students supporting the State of Israel.

Activists of the BDS movement have committed previous attacks against Jews in many universities and bear first and utmost responsibility for the transformation of anti-Israel vilification into the antisemitic violent attacks we have seen in recent weeks in major American cities.

Last month Strick was one of 24 other signatories from F&M that penned an atrocious one sided letter vilifying the Jewish State. The letter neglected to mention the 4500 plus Hamas rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, the millions of Israelis that were forced to live in bomb shelters for 11 days, and the Israelis murdered by the hands of Hamas. The letter also outlandishly claimed "The brutal system that controls Occupied Palestinian Territories is ideologically founded upon Jewish supremacy."

"Jewish supremacy" is a spinoff of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels' term of "Jewish mastery", coined by one of America's biggest antisemites David Duke in 2003, and has been picked up by antisemites including Linda Sarsour. The phrase "Jewish supremacy" is brazen antisemitism and is indicative of the obsessive, distorted hatred one has for the Jewish people.

This wasn't the first time James Strick singed onto a letter isolating the Jewish nation; in 2018 he joined a group of BDS activists demanding that the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) not hold its annual conference in Tel Aviv. The conference was not being held in Judea and Samaria but rather the epicenter of the state of Israel.

In 2017 Strick also signed onto a letter condemning a decision by Fordham University’s Dean to block the establishment of a Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter, a grossly antisemitic club that often creates toxic and dangerous environments for Jewish students on campus.

James Strick’s specialties lie in science and technology, not Middle Eastern studies and history. He has no academic or clinical background in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, yet has no problem throwing around horrific antisemitic terms such as "Jewish supremacy."

James Strick has no interest in promoting peace or interfaith dialogue. He is a Jew-hater with a goal to delegitimize the Jewish State of Israel by spreading antisemitic rhetoric in the name of social justice.