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Another L.A. Synagogue Vandalized with Antisemitic Graffiti

Another synagogue in Los Angeles was vandalized with an anti-Jewish message.

“Six million $ was not enough,” read the message drawn in marker on the welcome sign affixed to the gate of Temple Ahavat Shalom. The graffiti refers to the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust. The dollar sign apparently is meant to slur Jews as rich or greedy, per the stereotype.

California has seen a rise in anti-Semitic harassment assaults and vandalism for three consecutive years into 2018, when there were 126 hate crimes targeting Jews compared to 104 the previous year, Spectrum News reported. The California paper reported that 2019 “is seeing much of the same.”

Another Jewish Man Ambushed, Attacked By Gang in Brooklyn

A man was cornered and beaten in what police are calling a random attack on a Brooklyn street.

Surveillance video shows the disturbing incident on Warsoff Place between Flushing and Park Avenues in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

Four men can be seen chasing the 24-year-old victim as he walked home around 9:45 p.m. Tuesday.

Police said two of the suspects punched and kicked the Hasidic man and told him to “give me everything you’ve got.” The victim threw his cellphone on the ground, so the men scooped it up and ran away.


Authorities said it’s not being considered a hate crime because no anti-Semitic slurs were made. Instead, police are calling it a random attack and robbery.

Still, former New York state assemblyman Dov Hikind is demanding the city step up its enforcement after the recent outbreak of anti-Semitic attacks across the five boroughs. An outspoken advocate for the Jewish community, Hikind is organizing a rally at City Hall Park on Sunday to call for an end to attacks against Jews.

“Another day, another brutal and vicious attack on a Hasidic Jew in Brooklyn. We don’t need more empty talk from city and state “leaders”. We need action! The NYPD should be stepping up patrols in all Jewish neighborhoods until this wave of violent antisemitism subsides,” Hikind said in a statement late Tuesday night.

“The video footage of this violent encounter is incredibly disturbing, and we are glad that the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force is assisting in the investigation of this horrific crime,” ADL NY/NJ Regional Director Evan R. Bernstein said in a statement Wednesday. “This incident comes at a time when visibly observant Jewish individuals are unable to walk the streets of Brooklyn without feeling fearful that they may be assaulted or attacked because of their religion or faith. This is completely unacceptable and contrary to everything we stand for as New Yorkers. The violence must stop now.”

Three of the suspects are pictured below; please call 911 immediately if you spot them or (781) 238-0202 with tips/info.

Scrabble Players Update Definition of 'Jew' as “To Swindle”

Dave Rich, head of policy at the Jewish organization Community Security Trust, tweeted a screenshot of the association’s online dictionary, which defines “jews” as “to swindle” and “jew” as “to haggle, get the better of.”