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Twitter User Vows to Kill Jews at LA Synagogues

A Twitter user with the handle “Bowser @KoopaNot_” is threatening to murder Jews at synagogues in Los Angeles.

In the first tweet that appears to have now been deleted, “Bowser” wrote: “in 2022 i’m gonna finally act upon my desires to kill ALL JEWS JANUARY 3, 2022 IM GONNA SHOOT UP THE SYNAGOGUE AT 5711 Monte Vista St Los Angeles, CA 90042 Highland Park MAY GOD PROTECT BUT HE DOESN’T LIKE JEWS ALLAH SHALL PREVAIL”

A second tweet that was still up when JewishPress.com checked Twitter on January 3, 2022 at 9:50 pm Israel time, listed the synagogues where “Bowser” tweeted” “already got my bodies lined up”

A separate Twitter user replied to the tweet with a list of handles he appeared to have notified, including Twitter itself, the FBI, LAPD headquarters, FBI Los Angeles, Jewish talk show host Ben Shapiro, ChabadLubavitch, and Jewish activists Ezra Friedlander and Yossi Gestetner.

A third tweet that also remained on Twitter showed a man who may have been the author, with an antisemitic caricature of a Hassidic Jew.

Jewish organizations and activists fighting antisemitism picked up quickly on the threat.