The Blaine County School District announced law enforcement is investigating an incident at Wood River High School after a bathroom was vandalized with nearly two dozen swastikas and racist anti-Black slurs this week.
The district said the vandalism was committed by a group of two to three students.
Blaine County schools and Wood River High School said they are working with law enforcement in the investigation and asks anyone with information on the incident to contact a school administrator.
"The Blaine County School District is dedicated to the proposition that all students are entitled to a quality education irrespective of their race, color, religion or creed," Friday's announcement said. "We abhor and will not tolerate any student conduct that displays racism, anti-Semitism or hatred of any kind."
The announcement was issued by Chairman of the Blaine County School District Keith Roark, Superintendent Jim Foudy, Wood River High School Principal Julia Grafft and assistant principals of the high school Rick Beckett and Madeline Muschamp.
School district and WRHS officials said the incident should be reflected on by the Wood River community in an effort to understand "how corrosive these kinds of acts, and the hatred that spawns them, can be."
"This school district has always valued and promoted inclusivity and equality of opportunity for all students," the Blaine County School District said. "Acts have consequences and in cases like this, the consequences can reach far beyond anything the perpetrators may have imagined. We have an obligation to assure that our students understand that racism, in any form, is unacceptable. We accept that obligation and will meet it without hesitation."