A vegan-hating, self-described “incel” from Brooklyn made a series of death threats against an upstate fruit festival – ranting about shooting up the “Jewish meet up” and telling an organizer he would “do a f–king Ted Bundy” to her, federal prosecutors alleged Tuesday.
William Swift, of Brownsville, was arrested Tuesday morning and charged in Brooklyn federal court with menacing organizers and attendees of the Woodstock Fruit Festival, including in emails and audio recordings, beginning in February of this year, according to a complaint against him.
The messages included threats of orchestrating a mass shooting and stabbing people associated with the festival, a yearly health and wellness event in Diamond Point scheduled for later this month, according to the court documents.
“The ideal thing would be to go up to Woodstock to shoot up…the Jewish meet up. That would be ideal,” he allegedly said in one of the disturbing missives.
Swift allegedly made sinister threats against an unnamed woman who helps organize the event, invoking serial killer Ted Bundy in an audio recording sent to her, according to the feds.
“I’m sorry to say this but I can’t stop fantasizing about doing very, very, very bad things to you, I don’t have a plan I just fantasize about doing very, very bad things to you….,” the sicko allegedly said on the recording.
He added that he fantasized about doing a “f–king Ted Bundy” to her unless she shut down the festival, which bills itself as “a celebration of health, fruit-based diet and personal growth” and as “the world’s largest, all-inclusive, raw vegan health retreat.”
In May, the nut job allegedly threatened to kill someone associated with the event if he ever saw them in New York City.
“[H]ey piece of s–t b–ch, I want to make something clear, WFF is over. [John
Doe-1’s] retreats are over whether you like it or not. [I]f I see you, you will regret coming to
NYC, and you will feel my pain,” he wrote in an email, according to the complaint.
On his Instagram page, Swift railed against veganism and fruitarianism after he apparently split from the lifestyle, which promotes solely eating raw vegetables and fruits.
“I swear to God, I hate vegans and raw vegans. I’m not a fruitarian anymore,” he wrote in one emoji-filled post.
In a memo seeking his detention filed Tuesday, federal prosecutors said Swift is a self-described “incel,” who was arrested by the NYPD in July for telling a friend that he fantasized about shooting up Washington Square Park. Incels are men who claim to be “involuntary celibate” and have lashed out with violence, usually targetted at women, in incidents across the country.
In 2014, a self-described incel killed six people and injured 14 others in a misogynistic rampage in California.
Attorney information for Swift was not immediately available. Reps for the fruit festival did not immediately respond.
It was unclear if Swift has a connection to the event or its organizers.
The retreat hosts a number of activities for adults, including evening camp fires, yoga and “mud parties,” where participants lather themselves with sludge, according to its website.