On Tuesday night, University at Albany Police (UPD) said they learned about antisemitic stickers placed on a sign outside of a campus residence hall. It was associated with a white supremacist group accused of distributing propaganda in several states over recent years.
Several other stickers were left around campus, believed to be left by the same person, and UPD is now looking to identify a suspect whose image was captured by campus surveillance.
UPD characterized it as a criminal investigation.
Photos of the stickers were sent to NEWS10 by an anonymous source claiming to be a UAlbany freshman. They said the images were taken in the quad. So that you can recognize them if more show up in your neighborhood, take a look at censored versions of the stickers below.
UAlbany released the following statement:
“The University at Albany thrives on the diversity of the people, faiths and ideas that make our community vibrant. We unequivocally reject racism, anti-Semitism and all other forms of hatred and bias, and we are committed to fostering a culture in which everyone is and feels welcome here every single day.
On Tuesday evening, the University Police Department was made aware of a sticker defacing a sign outside one of our campus residence halls. The sticker was associated with a group that is reported to have distributed hateful propaganda in several states in recent years. The sticker and several others, all apparently left by the same person, were removed, and UPD is actively investigating the incident.
Any similar stickers found on university property will be removed consistent with longstanding university rules about posting on campus.”
If you or someone you know has information about the suspect, contact UPD online or by phone at (518) 442-3131.