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Men Wearing Antisemitic Shirts at Lehigh Valley Holiday Festival Cause Outrage

At least four people were seen wearing T-shirts that said “It’s Okay to be White. Less than 1% of White US Households Owned Slaves but Every Slave Ship & Auction was Owned by Jews”, causing outrage.

Former German Police Officer Tasked with Protecting Jewish Community Arrested in Neo-Nazi Sting

The man, named as Michael F., is a former chief inspector in the police department in the city of Hanover, was fired after members of the Jewish community became concerned of his erratic behavior.

Antisemites Disrupt CUNY Event Discussing Israel/Palestinian Conflict

Handing out flyers falsely accusing Israel of “occupation,” “censorship,” and “genocide,” the protestors caused so much raucous that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) arrived to escort them from the building.

Passengers on a South West Flight Wear "White Power", "Kanye Was Right" Burger King Crowns

Southwest Airline’s outrageous response included “We’re sorry if another passenger’s attire was in poor taste. Allow me to advise that Southwest operates under a flag of many colors, and we appreciate your feedback.”