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Teenagers Assault Jewish Residents in Brooklyn in Separate Incidents

Two Jewish residents of Crown Heights were attacked in separate incidents on Tuesday, the latest in a string of antisemitic assaults in the neighborhood.

The first took place at approximately 2:10 pm, in the vicinity of Empire and Troy Avenue. Shomrim responded to a third-party call of an attempted robbery that occurred approximately 10 minutes earlier.

Thankfully the victim was able to fend off the perpetrators and he was not injured. A police report was filed with NYPD.

At approximately 4 pm, Shomrim received another call from another victim who said that at approximately the same time as the first incident, a group matching the same description (three male teenagers with backpacks) brandished a knife at him and tried robbing him, but he managed to get away. Shomrim posted the video of the incident to their Twitter account.

Shomrim responded with multiple volunteers and canvassed the area extensively to no avail. Police were called, and this will be added to the investigation.