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ISIS Threatens Global Attack Against Chabad Jewish Centers Worldwide

The security headquarters (CWA) of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement this weekend joined the security unit of the Educational Affairs Division in issuing a rare global warning to Chabad centers around the world. The warning came in response to threats by the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization, which announced plans to attack synagogues.

“In recent days, several threats from the ISIS organization to carry out attacks against various targets in the world, with an emphasis on synagogues, have been published in several media outlets around the world,” the message reads.

“Due to an incident of burning a Quran that took place in Sweden, and in light of the security situation and friction with the Muslim population in Israel, we recommend that you increase your vigilance in your surroundings at Chabad Houses and Jewish Centers,” the warning continues.

“If you have security in place, ask the guards to increase their vigilance. As in the case of any unusual event, we have informed the local police as soon as possible and requested they increase their presence.”

CWA Rabbis Shlomo Peles and Moshe Fleishman told the Hebrew-language edition of COL(Chabad Online) that in recent days, ISIS released a leaflet with statements that seems to be calls to their followers around the world, urging them to actually carry out attacks.

“It is not known which specific place, God forbid, they are planning to attack, so we have asked all emissaries to increase their vigilance,” they said.