Less than two weeks after the Fish and Game Department had covered a swastika spray painted on the wall of an old railroad trestle, more racist remarks and symbols surfaced on Sunday at the same spot, discovered by a local resident walking his dog.
This time, a row of three pinkish-red swastikas followed words expressing hatred for Jewish and Black people – including the use of the n-word – at a walkway near the Merrimack River, just north of one of two parking lots used at the Sewalls Falls Multi-Use Recreation Area in Concord. Obscene images were also included with the hate speech.
Other towns such as Franklin, Hopkinton, and Allenstown have experienced similar criminal behavior recently, but catching someone in the act has proven to be difficult for police without security cameras.
The first incident in Concord was committed last month near the Sewalls Falls Bridge, where a Concord police officer on patrol noticed the offensive symbol, a lone black swastika.
The Sewalls Falls Dam is owned by the state, and thus Fish and Game were called in and within a few days had covered the offensive word with dark paint.
Then came the most recent vandalism, which added more words and symbols. That graffiti had not been covered by mid-afternoon Monday. Fish and Game officials were unavailable for comment.