Former Palmetto Bay Councilman David Singer has likely gone too far in his war against the village council and mayor comparing them to Adolf Hitler in a Facebook post Thursday and likening the removal and euthanizing of about 20 “aggressive” Muscovy ducks from Coral Reef Park to the extermination of six million Jews in the Holocaust on the Eve of Passover
“I heard today that Mayor Karyn Cunningham, Vice Mayor Leanne Tellum and Village Manager Nick Marano were looking for a final solution to the ducks in the Village of Palmetto Bay,” Singer posted on one of his Facebook community pages, What’s Happening in Palmetto Bay, with a photo of Hitler, a swastika on his arm. “You know who else was looking for a final solution?”
“He’s a schmuck,” said Councilman Steve Cody, who beat Singer in 2020. “It shows an incredible insensitivity,” Cody said, adding that it’s ironic because Singer is Jewish. “You would think he would know better. But he’s so determined to make his point and make it any way he has to that he doesn’t care.
Even Singer knew he went too far because, not long after the post, he changed the photo to one of three chickens with their heads cut off.
The ducks can’t be relocated, Cody explained. “Federal law says they are a nuisance species. If you have an aggressive one, you have to euthanize,” he told Political Cortadito. He blames the people who feed the ducks for making them aggressive and said if people left them alone, they could stay.