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NYC Jewish Woman Harassed and Threatened in Antisemitic Attack

A man spewing antisemitic hate is in the slammer Wednesday after he decided to pick on a Jewish woman walking on the streets of Crown Heights. The woman decided to defend herself and called the police.

The victim of the crime told CrownHeights.info that the man followed her down the block of Empire Kosher while threatening her and spewing hate.

“He said many nasty things about Jews and how we are Caucasian and not real Jews,” the victim said. “He called me trash and threatened to chop me up. He also threatened to pull a gun on me and punch me in the face.”

After the man persisted in following her, even in front of many witnesses, the Jewish victim entered Sushi Spot and called the police and Crown Heights Shomrim.

The police arrived and cuffed the man, described as a black male around sixty years old wearing a black shirt, black durag, and dark jeans, before ultimately arresting him. During the arrest he was found to be in possession of a machete and multiple knives, with together with a video proving that the threats were made, will mean he likely faces some difficult times in jail.

For the victim, the already traumatic experience came with a second, and perhaps more worrying concern. Despite the harassment taking place in front of multiple Jewish witnesses, no one stepped forward to help her.

“I passed by an empire kosher worker and a few Jews and people saw what was going on and nobody helped me,” the victim said. “I am quite worried we are not defending ourselves.”

The victim’s concern is well founded as people have been conditioned to leave incidents be and refrain from getting involved, even for a fellow Jew.