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UC Berkeley's Jewish Fraternity Vandalized as School Starts

Alpha Epsilon Pi, UC Berkeley’s Jewish fraternity house, discovered early Saturday that hundreds of shellfish were dumped across its property and thrown through a window. Police are investigating what the fraternity is calling an “act of antisemitic vandalism.”

“We go outside, we saw crayfish had been thrown all over our deck, all over the side driveway, through the windows into someone’s room and scattered all around the backyard,” said Jadon Gershon-Friedberg, a UC Berkeley senior and the AEPi chapter president, who lives in the fraternity house. A fraternity brother had noticed a half-dozen people with a bucket approach the house just before 1 a.m., he said.

Gershon-Friedberg and other fraternity brothers immediately checked around neighboring fraternity houses to see whether shellfish had been dumped on their property too. They believe theirs was the only target.

“We realized this is more than just a prank,” Gershon-Friedberg said. 

Given that the perpetrators used shellfish, a food explicitly forbidden under kashrut, and that they targeted the Jewish fraternity on the first Shabbat of the school year, AEPi considers the incident an “act of antisemitic vandalism,” according to a statement released Sunday. “This incident was undoubtedly deliberate, aimed at intimidating our chapter,” AEPi’s statement said.

Gershon-Friedberg called 911 and said officers arrived at the house quickly. He said he filed police reports with both the city and campus police departments and hopes they will investigate the vandalism as a hate crime. The Berkeley Police Department confirmed to J. that the incident is under investigation, but didn’t specify whether it’s being investigated as a hate crime. Campus police did not immediately respond to J.’s request for comment.

When the sun rose on Saturday, Gershon-Friedberg saw the full extent of the mess, which left a strong, fishy odor in and around the house.

“We found claws by the side of the house and by the door. We found a fish tail and head in someone’s room,” he said. “It was absolutely disgusting.”

AEPi’s national office paid for a cleaning crew to clear away the shellfish and pressure-wash the deck that morning.

Gershon-Friedberg and Jon Pierce, a former AEPi International president who now serves as the chapter’s spokesperson, both told J. that the fraternity plans to use the incident to help Berkeley students understand what antisemitism looks like and how to ensure the safety of Jews on campus and more broadly.

“Maybe this is a crime of ignorance as much as a crime of hate,” Pierce said. 

Gershon-Friedberg also sent a letter to the UC Berkeley administration detailing what happened.

“We are saddened and dismayed by what appears to be a hateful incident of antisemitism targeting the members of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity,” Dan Mogulof, a UC Berkeley spokesperson, said in a statement sent to J.

“The campus administration has a long-standing and unwavering commitment to confronting antisemitism, and its expression, as we do with all forms of bias, discrimination, and hatred,” Mogulof added. In response to the incident, UC Berkeley’s vice chancellors of equity and inclusion and of student affairs are offering their support to fraternity members and other Jews on campus, Mogulof said.

“An investigation is underway,” he said, “and we will, as always, ensure there are appropriate consequences if laws, campus policies, and/or the Student Code of Conduct are found to have been violated.”

There are 20 students who live at the AEPi house, and 25 students total in the chapter. The fraternity has eight students who keep kosher, according to Gershon-Friedberg.

“Everyone is still a little shaken up,” Gershon-Friedberg said. “This is our home.”

New Jersey Park Defaced with Swastikas

Police in Jackson, New Jersey have launched an investigation into the appearance of multiple swastikas on electricity poles in Johnson Park.

“I am deeply saddened to learn about this latest act of hate and stupidity,” Mayor Mike Reina told Lakewood Alerts in a statement.

“Police reports have been made, and they are being investigated. I’ve said it before, and sadly, I have to say it again, “Hate had no home in Jackson. We intend to prosecute all acts of hate and terror to the fullest extent of the law.”

Reina is currently serving his fourth term in office as mayor of the fourth-largest town in Ocean County.

One week ago, Ocean County Prosecutor Brad Billhimer ordered the deployment of an “anti-hate” trailer in the community. Some residents objected to the move, claiming there is no antisemitism in Jackson, Lakewood Alerts reported.

This past June, antisemitic graffiti was found at the site of a soon-to-be-built facility for Chai Lifeline in Jackson. The Jewish-owned health support organization provides programs and services to children and families of all religions who are dealing with life-threatening children’s illnesses.

“Is this for Jews” and other hateful messages were spray-painted on the lumber at the site. Police are investigating.

Just a few days earlier on June 5, 2023, swastikas were painted on 14 homes and another home under construction was burned in nearby Manchester. Ron Carr was subsequently charged with the hate, believing the homes were owned by Jews, according to Billhimer.

Neo-Nazis Vandalize Pedestrian Bridge in Maryland

Antisemitic graffiti was found under a bridge off Josiah Henson Parkway on a pedestrian tunnel near Tildenwood Drive in North Bethesda Sunday evening. 

A swastika and the words “CLUB ARYAN EXCELLENT” were painted in large, bright orange letters on the stone wall on the side of the tunnel and were still visible Monday when a MoCo360  reporter visited the site. Jewish advocacy group - StopAntisemitism - shared the image of the vandalism to Twitter.

Second District police officers initially responded to the scene Sunday around 7:53 p.m. for a report of “hate-based vandalisms.” Police say there are no suspects in custody. 

A police officer arrived at the scene Monday around 2:45 p.m., and told MoCo360 he was sent to survey the incident, take photos and then cover up the graffiti. 

The neighborhood around the pedestrian tunnel has a large Jewish population and is within a mile of B’nai Israel Congregation, The Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, Bender JCC of Greater Washington and the Hebrew Home Of Greater Washington. 

County Councilmember Kate Stewart (D-Dist. 4), whose district includes North Bethesda, strongly condemned the antisemitic graffiti on social media. 

Stewart also said that residents should report similar incidents to Montgomery County Police at 301-279-8000 as soon as they are seen.  

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available. 

Georgia Continues to be Plagued by Anti-Jewish 'Goyim Defense League' (GDL) Leaflets

Antisemitic flyers from the Goyim Defense League were found in Central Georgia again on Sunday afternoon. Residents in the Beall's Hill neighborhood in Macon found flyers near their homes spouting hateful messages.

The advocacy organization fighting antisemitism - StopAntisemitism - has attributed the antisemitic flyers to the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The league travels the country distributing these hateful flyers targeted Jewish communities. Similar flyers were found in a nearby city earlier this month.

13WMAZ reached out to the Bibb County Sheriff's Office, they said they were aware the flyers were being distributed and were investigating. They also said no disturbances had been reported at that time. 

13WMAZ also reached out to Rabbi Elizabeth Bahar of Temple Beth Israel about the flyers once again being in the community. 

"I'm saddened to realize that this is once again occurring," she said. "While they do mention Jewish conspiracy and it is targeting Jewish groups they also target other minorities as well."

Currently, there is no confirmation of how many flyers were distributed.

"The best way to combat this which is imperative is for us to come together and to support the Downtown Tapestry, the interfaith group, and to bond friendships and fellowship," she said.

In June, similar flyers were distributed in Warner Robins and the same hate group protested outside Temple Beth Israel in Macon. 

Neighbors called the Bibb County Sheriff's Office, and deputies eventually closed the protest down. The group had a blow-up doll representing a gay Jewish man hanging by the neck from a street sign.

Mayor Lester Miller said the sign was county property, so the deputies asked the group to remove the doll and leave.

Lt. Gossman in Warner Robins said at the time if they caught the specific people involved in spreading the fliers near Peach Blossom Road, they'd look at filing charges related to hate speech. Gossman said they reported the fliers to the FBI.

Macon DA Anita Howard said in a statement to 13WMAZ in June her office would be working with the US attorney's office on possible charges against the hate group.

Later in June, a group of Macon business owners, religious groups, and individuals showed up outside Temple Beth Israel in Macon to show their support for the synagogue.  People held signs that read things like "We are all in this together," and "Stop the hate."

Antisemitic Poster Vilifying Jews Found in Upstate New York

One month after Newburgh Mayor Torrance Harvey sat down with a group of Hasidic Jewish landlords to discuss their concerns and that of their tenants, an antisemitic poster has surfaced in the city.

Harvey did not mince words when he condemned the racist message.

“I fought my entire life against racism and discrimination in any form against one group of people,” he said. “I fought my entire life against racism, discrimination and hate speech. There is no place for that in our political discourse in Newburgh, there is no place for that in our culture, there is no place for that in our political discourse in the United States of America.”

Harvey quoted from civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who had a dream that one day Jews and gentiles, black and white, would join hands in the eyes of harmony and love.

'Miss Hitler' Beauty Pageant Exposes English Contestant

A middle-aged mother from Oxford has been exposed by the world's leading Nazi-hunting organisation as a contestant in a 'Miss Hitler' beauty pageant.

Participants in the online contest, which aims to promote 'healthy Hitlerian competition', use pseudonyms to disguise their identities. 

But the US-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC) has unmasked the UK entrant – who calls herself Miss Aryan Angel and is favourite to win – as 42-year-old Sarah Mountford, a member of the far-Right group Britain First.

The contest is hosted by Russia's popular VKontakte social media website, known as VK. It allows users to vote for their favourite female admirers of the Nazi leader, with this year's winner due to be announced on September 3.

Ms Mountford says in her personal statement on the competition site that she is a 'straight, white, pure-blood female with a longing to return to traditional ways. In accordance with nature. Blood and soil. Ancestors and honour. Our people matter.'

Before moving to Oxford two years ago, Ms Mountford, a mother of three, lived in flat in a trendy district of Brighton where she was born and raised.

She told the MoS last night: 'It was just a bit of fun, really, a spur of the moment thing. I didn't set out to upset anyone.

'It's not like I'll get a crown – its more of a poll. I'll try to get it taken down.

'My views aren't extreme, you hear the same at every bus stop.'

She added: 'He [Hitler] has been dead a long time. I didn't think of the impact his name still has.'

A page urging people to 'vote and support Miss Aryan Angel' features a scowling photo of Ms. Mountford amid Nazi imagery, including swastikas.

The SWC is a Jewish human rights organization named after Wiesenthal, the famed death-camp survivor who helped track down more than 1,000 Nazi war criminals, including Adolf Eichmann, a key architect of the Holocaust. 

The SWC's director of global social action, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, said: 'This is part of an ongoing effort to whitewash the horrific crimes of Nazism, to rewrite history to legitimize a monster who plunged the world into the darkness and perpetrated a genocide that left six million Jews dead, including 1.5 million children. 

'There should be zero tolerance for this outrageous campaign on any, and all, social media platforms.'

In the past, the social media page on VK promoting previous contests has been shut down following complaints, but the SWC said it has now become impossible to engage with its administrators.

Kansas City Farmer's Market Kicks Out Antisemitic Vendor

The Overland Park Farmers’ Market has suspended a first-year vendor after his antisemitic and hate-filled social media posts emerged.

An Overland Park spokesperson confirmed in an email to the Post that Olathe-based Pepper Cave, owned by Justin Bale, was suspended indefinitely Wednesday apparently in response to complaints the city received about Bale’s social media activity, which in recent days has been filled with blatant antisemitic invective.

“These posts do not reflect the City’s or the Overland Park Farmers’ Market’s values,” city spokesperson Meg Ralph wrote to the Post. “In fact, this content directly contradicts our strategic goal of being a welcoming and inclusive community and organization.”

Some of the social media posts are directly tied to Bale’s business and even seem geared at capitalizing on his antisemitic beliefs. Jewish watchdog organization StopAntisemitism shared some of the antisemitic merchandise on Twitter.

“Taste the antisemitismz in every bite,” a recent post on Pepper Cave’s Gab account said.

Overland Park is conducting an investigation into the complaint against Pepper Cave as a potential violation of the farmers market’s rules and regulations, which you can find here.

“We have reminded all market vendors that the Overland Park Farmers’ Market is an open-minded and inclusive community, and request vendors represent themselves in accordance with market values,” Ralph said.

Bale shared on social media what appeared to be a response to the farmers market’s suspension of him, saying:

“Thanks for the heads-up! I really do appreciate your professionalism and hard work at the market.

“I’m surprised I lasted this long. For the record they’re literally genociding us. I’m merely trying to ensure the survival of White people.

“They call us ‘goyim’ and believe we only exist to serve them.

“I wish you and the market, and the vendors there nothing but success!”

He closed the message by saying, “Heil Hitler!”

The Post requested comment from Pepper Cave via email but did not get a response at the time this story published. This story will be updated if we receive a response.

Bale started his business officially late last year and joined the Overland Park Farmers’ Market this season as a new vendor.

The farmers market spotlighted Pepper Cave and other new vendors on social media this spring, including pictures of his stand.

Further back, closer to when Pepper Cave was first founded, the company’s Facebook page seemed to focus almost exclusively on the business of selling rubs and sauces as well as the process of growing the peppers for products.

However, in recent days, Pepper Cave’s Facebook page has shifted to openly referencing antisemitic ideology, including posting a photo of a Johnson County family who practices the Jewish faith standing behind a lit menorah with the caption, “The face of people who try to destroy anyone with an alternative view.”

Another post read: “Being a counter-semite is hard work. Luckily I can screenshot all of the kvetching and it turns into free advertising! Please leave your angry review, Sharon! Bonus points if you’re part of the LMNOP community,” another post said.

A Gab account associated with the Pepper Cave has been even more prolific, using antisemitic slurs and referencing the hate symbol 1488 in a discount code for online sales.

“So some Sharon got butthurt over truth bombs and got me kicked out of our farmers’ market. This means much more time to dedicate to online sales and we can switch the chip recipe to lard! Remember to save 14.88% on all orders with code: GasThejews,” one Gab post said.

Founded in 2016, Gab is a social media site that has grown up in recent years as an alternative to more mainstream sites like Facebook and Twitter, but it has also been criticized for allowing freer rein to hateful and antisemitic messages.

The company came under scrutiny in 2018 after a man who walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and shot and killed 11 people posted antisemitic messages on the site before his rampage.

Happy Valley Farm, a business based in De Soto, announced on Thursday that it has also cut ties with Pepper Cave.

“We NEVER, EVER had any idea he had these feelings,” Happy Valley Farm wrote. “I worked with him for two years about ten years ago, and NEVER had a single conversation with him that led me in any way to believe he harbored this hatred.”

Read Happy Valley Farm’s full statement on Facebook here.

British Authorities Arrest Suspect in Gravestone Desecration at English Synagogue

A man has been arrested after gravestones were damaged in a Jewish cemetery in Kent.

Officers have been investigating the incident as a hate crime, with the damage believed to total about £19,000.

Kent police arrested a 41-year-old man on suspicion of criminal damage on Friday.

The damage is believed to have been caused between 15 August and 18 August at Chatham Memorial synagogue in Rochester.

Dalia Halpern-Matthews, the synagogue’s chair of trustees, said it was the fifth time the community had been targeted within the space of 10 years, with the last incident taking place in 2019.

She said the reaction from the community was one of “disbelief, horror, disgust”, adding: “You would like to think people have respect for other religions and for the dead, and for heritage.

“It’s a particularly significant cemetery, it’s the only one attached to a synagogue in this country.”

Halpern-Matthews told the PA Media news agency: “We do a huge amount to try to break down those barriers and this kind of attack overall doesn’t diminish our desire to break down those barriers, it makes us want to fight all the harder (against) the pernicious nature of antisemitism and racism and bias.”

A statement on the synagogue’s website appealed for donations towards synagogue security and repairs to the cemetery.

Halpern-Matthews said there were plans to re-install CCTV and improved security gates and fencing.

Supt Nick Sparkes of Kent police said officers were investigating the incident as a hate crime and that patrols would monitor the area.

The force was also continuing to appeal for witnesses to come forward or anyone who may have seen or heard the damage being caused, including residents and businesses with private CCTV, asking them to check for potentially relevant footage.

Holocaust Denying 'Goyim Defense League' (GDL) Flyers Hit Californian Town

Turlock police in California are investigating antisemitic messages being left on lawns.

The advocacy organization fighting antisemitism - StopAntisemitism - has attributed the antisemitic flyers to the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The league travels the country distributing these hateful flyers targeted Jewish communities.

Police said there have been multiple messages left on lawns in the northeast side of the city and they may be related to a number of similar instances that have happened across the state.

They say that while this is being investigated as a hate incident they are not calling it a hate crime at this time.

South Carolina Residents Targeted with Antisemitic 'Goyim Defense League' (GDL) Flyer Drop

Janet Elkins and many of her neighbors are “up in arms” after receiving hate messages thrown on their lawns Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

Elkins is a resident of The Farm at Timberlake, which is a home community located off of Highway 707.

The messages, which were antisemitic in nature, were placed in a clear-plastic baggie filled with some type of pellets, Elkins said. The person dropped off a bunch of the baggies in the community, which has about 300 homes, Elkins said.

The baggies with the messages are similar to those that have been found in neighborhoods across Horry County in 2022 and this year. The advocacy organization fighting antisemitism - StopAntisemitism - has attributed the antisemitic flyers to the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The league travels the country distributing these hateful flyers targeted Jewish communities.

A few people got them last week as well, Elkins said. Neighbors have reported the incident to police.

Mikayla Moskov, spokesperson with Horry County Police, said by text Friday that police are aware of the flyers that seem to be circulating both locally and nationally.

“Those who receive them are encouraged to throw them away,” Moskov said in the text. “Those who feel compelled to submit a police report are encouraged to do so online rather than through dispatch.”

Elkins didn’t open the baggie, but instead threw it in the trash.

Jennifer Sugg was appalled when she found the messages on her lawn. She received two of them – the first about 5:50 p.m. Wednesday and again Thursday morning.

Sugg said most neighbors have cameras on their homes, and the person can be seen about 4 a.m. Thursday “throwing more BS on people’s lawns.”

The folded papers in the baggies contain rhetoric and propaganda against Jewish people, as well as mention of abortion. It’s not clear what the pellets are.

Sugg knows of at least one Jewish family that lives in the neighborhood.

Both Elkins and Sugg said the neighborhood is full of families and children, and the community is like a family.

A message left Friday with D.R. Horton, the home builder for the community, was not immediately returned.

People are angry, especially that this has been going on for years in the area and nationwide, Sugg said.

“I feel very violated by that,” Sugg said about the messages. “How dare they throw this in our lawn.”

In July, a Myrtle Beach man was arrested for littering hate messages across a Murrells Inlet neighborhood. Jamin Christian Fite, 47, was charged with two counts of littering. He was released the same day after paying a $200 fine, according to jail records.

Officers observed Fite throw clear plastic baggies out of the passenger side window, according to a police report. When confronted, the officer observed “black duffel bags containing a large quantity of clear plastic baggies with paper and pellets inside,” the incident report says. The two black duffel bags contained about 791 plastic baggies, according to the report.

NYPD Searching for Suspect in Antisemitic Hate Crime of Jewish Seminary

A racist scrawled a swastika on a West Village Jewish seminary in what police are investigating as a hate crime, authorities said.

An as-yet-unidentified man drew the antisemitic graffito on the wall of Hebrew Union College at West Fourth Street near Mercer Street on Aug. 14, NYPD officials said. Jewish watchdog organization StopAntisemitism shared an image of the suspect on Twitter.

The man, after using blue chalk to sketch out the hateful symbol, then ran off toward Broadway about 4:45 p.m., police said.

Surveillance footage shows the man, who has short, dark hair and a slim build. He was last seen wearing a white tank top and sporting a dark backpack.

Son of Romanian Soccer Coach Claims Israel 'Deserves' to be Destroyed by Gas Chambers

The son of Romanian soccer coach Laurentiu Reghecampf posted on social media that Israel “deserves” to be destroyed in a gas chamber in response to a story about two Israelis who were shot and killed by a suspected Palestinian gunman, according to a watchdog group that flagged the antisemitic comment referencing the Holocaust.

Luca Reghecampf, whose father is the coach of the Romanian professional men’s soccer club Universitatea Craiova, commented on a post uploaded by the London-based news website Middle East Eye about the deadly attack that took place on Saturday in the West Bank. Two men, a father and son, were shot at close range at a car wash in the Palestinian village of Huwara.

In response to an Instagram user who commented on the post, Luca wrote, “Only thing Israel deserves to be put into a chamber and Have the shower turned on.” He also included a smiley face emoji in his comment.

Luca has since deleted his Instagram account — but not before StopAntisemitism, a US-based watchdog group that fights and exposes antisemitism — took a screenshot of his remark and shared it on social media. The organization said it was “disgusted” by his comment, adding that such behavior should not be tolerated.

Swastikas Discovered Near Long Island Holocaust Memorial Investigated as Hate Crime

Antisemitic graffiti was discovered in the Welwyn Preserve next to Nassau’s Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center, police said Tuesday.

Two swastikas spray-painted on trees were found near MS-13 graffiti, according to authorities. The incident is being investigated as a hate crime.

“There are cameras in the area. We’re here. And if we do see you doing this, we will arrest you,” said Detective Lt. John Nagle, of the Glen Cove Police.

Police said they will review surveillance camera footage. More officers will also patrol the preserve.

Illinois Pair Charged with Hate Crime for Spray Painting Antisemitic Slurs

Two men have been arrested after they defaced numerous businesses in Round Lake Beach by spray-painting hate speech and swastikas early Tuesday morning.

David M. Dolan, 18, of unincorporated Lake Villa, and Anthony P. Shields, 19, of unincorporated Lake Villa, have each been charged with hate crime, a Class 3 felony, and four counts of hate crime, a Class 4 felony.

Shields and Dolan were also charged with criminal defacement of property. Dolan was additionally charged with criminal trespass to property.

The Round Lake Beach Police Department was called around 3:30 a.m. Tuesday to the Walmart Superstore, 2680 North Route 83 in Round Lake Beach.

Round Lake Beach Police Chief Wayne Wilde Jr. said the employees found the doors to the lawn and garden section had been defaced by spray paint.

Two men are facing felony hate crime charges for defacing businesses and property, including the Consumers Credit Union in Round Lake Beach, with hate speech and other slurs. | Photo Submitted to Lake and McHenry County Scanner

Investigators determined several businesses in the 2000 block of Route 83 were spray painted with hate speech, including racial slurs and swastikas.

One of those businesses included Consumers Credit Union across from Walmart.

References to Hitler had been spray painted on an outside fence of the bank along with profanity directed at the Round Lake Beach Police Department.

A swastika and a reference to killing were also left on the doors of the bank.

Officers spotted Dolan and Shields riding bicycles near Rollins Road and Hainesville Road, Wilde said.

Officers, who had previous encounters with Dolan, stopped the two men and found them in possession of spray paint.

The spray paint matched the color of the graffiti discovered on several businesses, Wilde said.

Officers obtained verbal admission from the men that they were responsible for spray painting hate speech across the businesses in the area.

“Hate speech like what was displayed Tuesday has no place in Round Lake Beach,” Wilde said. “These offenders will be charged to the fullest extent possible for what they did.”

The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office reviewed the case and approved the charges.

The two are likely to appear for an initial court hearing Tuesday afternoon.

Police Investigating Anti-Jewish 'Goyim Defense League' (GDL) Flyers Discovered in Virginia Town

UPDATE August 24, 2023: A teenager who was arrested for shoplifting on Sunday was found to be linked to hate/bias flyers that were distributed in Fair Oaks last week; more here.

*** *** ***

Fairfax County Police detectives are investigating numerous reports they received on Friday and Saturday of "suspicious flyers portraying bias material" being distributed in the Fair Oaks area.

Patch obtained a copy of the flyer but is not publishing it in order to avoid spreading the content to a wider audience. The flyer contains many antisemitic tropes.

The advocacy organization fighting antisemitism - StopAntisemitism - has attributed the antisemitic flyers to the Goyim Defense League (GDL). The league travels the country distributing these hateful flyers targeted Jewish communities. Similar flyers were found in a nearby city earlier this month.

FCPD is responding to the flyers by engaging religious leaders across the county in order to identify prompt actions to ensure the safety and security of the religious community.

"We are grateful for our strong ties within this community, which help us in gathering additional information and developing long-term solutions to address instances of hatred like this one," according to an FCPD release. "While there is currently no specific threat within our community, we are continuing to collect additional information about this incident."

Police are also asking anyone with information about the flyer that was distributed in the Fair Oaks area or who has witnessed suspicious behavior to call the Fair Oaks Police station at 703-591-0966. You may also contact detectives in the Organized Crime and Intelligence Bureau at 703-802-2750.

Swastikas Deface Virginia Neighborhood

Swastikas were painted on the street in front of five homes on and near Blount Point Road, according to police.

Residents tell News 3 all of the houses had political yard signs for the same person — Danny Diggs — who is running for state senate.

“To me it’s just a little outrageous that somebody does this over a political agenda," said Bobby Supplee, who woke up Friday to a swastika painted in front of his house. "That’s not something you would expect to see in front of our house in a neighborhood in Newport News.”

News 3 reached out to Diggs, who said in part, "The act of any individual or group to deface our signs, or intimidate our supporters, with antisemitic imagery is disgraceful."

Eric Maurer with the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula called the incident alarming but applauded the quick action of the city to have them removed.

“We know that hate will happen in a community, but the real measure of strength is how a community responds when it does happen,” said Maurer.

Police are asking anyone who may have video footage of the incidents to call in.

Jewish Man Violently Assaulted at Major Subway Station in Germany

The spate of antisemitic attacks in Berlin continued over the weekend, when a 37-year-old Jewish man walking with his son was violently assaulted at a subway station.

The attack occurred on Saturday afternoon, as the pair were walking along a main thoroughfare in the German capital’s Prenzlauer-Berg district. A 61-year-old man who was later detained by police approached the father and spoke to him in what local media outlets described as a “disrespectful manner,” but the pair ignored him and continued on their journey.

However, when the father and son returned to the same spot later in the afternoon to catch a train from the Storkower Strasse subway station, the same man approached them again. He punched the father in the neck with his fist and uttered an antisemitic insult before fleeing, according to witness reports. He was apprehended by police officers shortly afterwards. A breathalyzer test showed the man was inebriated. He now faces hate crimes charges.

Berlin has witnessed a series of antisemitic attacks in recent weeks, amid a general rise in antisemitic agitation and violence across Germany. Earlier this month, a 19-year-old Israeli man walking with his girlfriend was beaten up by three Arabic-speaking men who overheard him talking on his cellphone in Hebrew.

Separately, police last week arrested a 63-year-old man for carrying out arson attacks and vandalism targeting memorials to Jewish and LGBT victims of the Nazis and a lesbian community center in Berlin.

"No Jews Get Out" Sign Displayed in New York Town

State representatives are speaking out against a sign at a Blooming Grove home that displayed a message with antisemitic undertones. A recent social media post captured a video of a sign reading “No Jew Get Out” in front of a home on Barnes Road. NGO StopAntisemitism shared the images to Twitter.

New York Attorney General Letitia James called the sign “disgusting” and said that “any form of antisemitism and hate must be rejected."

State Sen. James Skoufis also responded on social media by stating "this outrageous act and others like it can't and won't be tolerated."

When News 12 arrived at the home on Saturday morning, the sign appeared to have been taken down.