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California Professor Calls Upon American Progressives to "Kill the Jewish Nation"

An associate professor at the University of California Santa Barbara claimed during a recent speech that the Israeli Defense Forces fighting Hamas terrorists is akin to police officers "murdering" George Floyd. He called Israel a "white supremacist Zionist project" and issued a chilling call to action; American progressives must kill the Jewish nation.

Bilal Ware, also known as "Butch," who teaches African studies in the university's history department, made the controversial comments on Tuesday at a Santa Barbara mosque where he gave a discussion titled, "Sunnah of Struggle - Black and Palestinian Liberation from Islamic Perspective."

Ware called on progressives to stand united in the liberation of Palestinians, claiming that they are being held captive under a Zionist oppressive regime, and compared the situation to police brutality in America. He referred to Israel as "the beast" and said the nation needs to be "stabbed in the heart."

"When Big Floyd got choked out, I saw something that I had also never seen. I had never seen protests against police brutality and the carceral state, wherein black folks were outnumbered by white folks five to one. That is a massive change and it's a massive transformation...They are running scared," Ware said, according to video. 

Ware told the audience that the public support for Palestine has "dramatically shifted" in the past ten years and will continue down that route as the world comes together to defeat "Zionist white supremacy." 

"I think that it is absolutely inevitable that the liberation of Palestinians will become an absolutely central tenet of all progressive thought in America within the next. And it's the reason why I'm trying to get us to apply sustained pressure on both fronts. Because if we would understand the fronts as connected and as ultimately foundational in slaying the beast, right? Don't cut off each of the tentacles, stab it in the heart. Then that takes out all of the tentacles," Ware said, according to video.

In addition to the discussion Ware gave at the mosque, the associate professor has a history of anti-Semitic posts on Instagram which include calling for the genocide of Jews. He proclaimed that eradicating Israel is a fight against white supremacy. His Instagram account is under the username "butchware."

On the day after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel at daybreak and brutally massacred more than 1400 Israeli civilian men, women, and children, Ware was quick to post his support for the Palestinians before Israel had even retaliated or declared war on Hamas.

"Zionism is white supremacy," Ware wrote on Instagram.

"Palestinians don't have a Zionism problem," read another post. "Black folks don't have a carceral state problem. Brown people don't have an immigration problem. First nations don't have a genocide problem. We all have a white supremacy problem."

In a separate post, Ware stated that fighting the Israeli Defense Forces is a fight against a "white supremacist settler state" and referred to minorities supporting Israel's right to exist as "uncle tom[s]."

"It is terrifying that people are unable to see this fascist propaganda machine for what it is: a vast media campaign writing a blank check for what is about to come - the escalation of the already merciless slaughter and oppression of Palestinians," he said. "The absurd chronologies which date this 'war' in days, weeks or even years, rather than the 3/4 century of brutal dispossession serve one function: To normalize the fascist, ethno-nationalist, apartheid settler state that is Israel."

"The effort to conflate a critique of Zionism with anti-semitism is perhaps the most intellectually dishonest component of this media farce. There are MANY, MANY, MANY anti-Zionist Jews. The reason for that is that Judaism remains an endlessly fertile religious tradition for those that seek resources for resisting evil," Ware continued. "Zionism has defaced Judaism more than any modern sociopolitical movement since WWII. And it is no surprise that the Axis of Empire which stole Palestine to make Israel continues to support this white supremacist settler state."

"It is especially sad to see the Black complicity in this. These uncle tom, uncle ruckus, house negroes that shill for Israel should really be ashamed of themselves. Any thinking Black person should immediately recognize the dehumanizing slander being marshaled against Palestinian resistors," the professor added.