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NYPD Charge Man for Physically and Verbally Assaulting Jewish Family

A Brooklyn man has been arrested and charged with a hate crime for allegedly throwing a bottle at a Jewish mother with her children while making antisemitic statements.

The incident occurred on Friday, October 13, shortly before 6 p.m., on Webster Avenue near 47th Street in Kensington. Surveillance footage obtained by Shomrim shows a 26-year-old mother crossing the street with two small children walking alongside her, and they prepare to enter a Lyft minivan. An SUV then pulls up near the Lyft and stops.

The SUV driver allegedly yelled, “Dirty Jew, why don’t you hold your kid’s hand?” and threw an empty water bottle and wrappers at the mother.

The Lyft driver threw the bottle back at the SUV. The SUV driver then emerged from his vehicle, and a scuffle broke out between the SUV driver and the Lyft driver, with the SUV driver throwing a garbage can at the Lyft driver, who then picked up the garbage can to defend himself.

On Tuesday, police arrested Sean Hampden, 39, of Sunset Park. He was charged with two counts of aggravated harassment, one as a hate crime.