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Additional Swastikas Discovered at a New York Middle School

Riverhead Central School District reports the discovery of another swastika symbol on school property, this time on a piece of artwork at Riverhead Middle School.

Interim Superintendent Cheryl Pedisich announced the incident in a letter posted on the district website Friday afternoon. The graffiti, a “small swastika” was discovered earlier in the day Friday by students and a teacher. It was reported to a middle school administrator and the district immediately opened an investigation, Pedisich said.

The discovery follows the appearance of swastika symbols drawn on desks at Riverhead High School in September. The high school principal spoke to the students who were known to sit at the desks where the symbols were discovered and also spoke to their parents, then-Superintendent Augustine Tornatore said.

Earlier that month, young children were attacked and called the N-word by Riverhead High School and middle school students and a former student at a Riverhead Blue Waves varsity football game, according to family members of the children and at least one school board member who said she witnessed the incident. 

“Any form of antisemitic or discriminatory symbols, speech or actions are reprehensible and unacceptable in our schools and community,” Pedisich wrote in the letter yesterday. “Unfortunately, these acts are not just limited to the Riverhead community, as incidents of this nature are occurring across Long Island and throughout the country at elevated rates. We are committed to condemning this behavior and taking action to prevent such occurrences from happening in the future. We are steadfast in our development of fruitful learning environments where every student feels safe and respected and is taught to appreciate all religions, cultures and backgrounds,” she wrote.

“With this mission in mind, our district-wide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee will commence their work in the coming weeks to promote acceptance and inclusion and establish programming, events and lessons throughout all of our schools,” Pedisich wrote.