On Friday December 8, 2023, at approximately 6:15 am, Maplewood Police responded to a report of vandalism to signs in front of Congregation Beth Ephraim in Maplewood. Responding Officers found graffiti on banners displayed on the front lawn of the Congregation. The Maplewood Police Department is actively investigating this incident. Anyone with information or video of the incident should contact Detective Gyimoty at 973-761-7927 or email SGYIMOTY@MAPLEWOODNJ.GOV.
The Township is in contact with our Jewish faith leaders in Maplewood to meet their needs and to collaborate on safety plans that instill confidence in our public safety operational plan. Although no threats have been made, police have increased patrols around religious centers, schools, and celebrations.
The Township has condemned antisemitism and has called for community unity and shared humanity in Maplewood. The Township Committee expressed this sentiment in a resolution passed unanimously on December 5th. We are a Township that prides itself on its intentional diversity and inclusiveness.
The Township calls for peace in Maplewood. We ask our neighbors to exercise patience, show kindness, extend their hearts a little more, be empathic, and be compassionate. Hate has no home here.