The sight of decorations, lights, and packages on doorsteps is appreciated and considered a routine occurrence during the holiday season. Unfortunately, some in Corsicana and other Navarro County communities have also had to pick up antisemitic propaganda off of their lawns.
The flyers contain antisemitic imagery and blame a multitude of issues on the Jewish community. The propaganda mentions a website which connects to a series of videos that spread similar messages.
Corsicana and Navarro County law enforcement officers are aware of the incidents and are increasing patrols in order to deter the activity from continuing.
The Corsicana Police Department encourages residents to report any paraphernalia they find.
The exterior and interior of Corsicana’s Temple Beth-El, located at 208 South 15th St., is monitored on a daily basis by the Corsicana Parks Department, said the city’s Director of Parks and Recreation, Sharla Allen.
The Temple was designated a recorded Texas Landmark in 1981, it was added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 1987. The Temple continues to host monthly religious services as well as other gatherings.
However inaccurate or insulting these flyers might be, they are examples of free speech and expression which is protected by the United States Constitution.
“These people aren’t breaking the law by distributing flyers on lawns, although local authorities are watching to see if any laws are broken,” White said.
White cautioned against engaging anyone who drops the flyers or espouses hateful rhetoric.
“These groups are looking to engage with on the street actions. They troll people and look to gain support by driving people to their websites.”
Rabbi Frank Joseph, who conducts services at the Temple, said these incidents don’t represent the feelings of the majority in Corsicana and surrounding communities.
“The individuals who are spreading this material are misguided,” Joseph said. This is a small group out of California with few followers, they intend on spreading hate in Corsicana,” he continued.
“The individuals that are doing this do not represent the cordial and welcoming community of Corsicana,” said Joseph.
Joseph, who now splits his time between Fort Worth and Southern Texas, maintains a deep affection for Corsicana.
His father Ernest Joseph served as Rabbi of Corsicana’s Temple Beth-El from 1966-1999.
“My father escaped Nazi-Germany in 1939, he immigrated to the United States in 1947, and settled in Corsicana in 1956,” Joseph said. “He saw the worst levels of antisemitism and understood where it leads.”
Joseph said that it’s because of his father’s teachings that he encourages everyone to love one another and to learn from history so the Holocaust is never again allowed to happen.