Flyers containing hateful rhetoric were left on porches and cars across Lynchburg. "For the average person, this is definitely terrifying," Dennis Martin, who received three flyers at his home said.
The flyers claimed to link Jewish people to the slave trade and called for reparations, as well as for people to boycott Israel.
Martin said he was disgusted that someone left these flyers in his neighborhood.
“People don't want to live that way," he said. "You know, you shouldn't have to live that way. Looking over your shoulder at every moment or thinking about why I was targeted, maybe it may escalate to something else."
The topics range from racist and antisemitic remarks to circumcision and child abuse.
Martin said he found two flyers on his truck and one in his backyard.
ABC13 spoke with others who received the flyers as well, but they didn't want to go on camera. They called the act cowardly and said it's scary to see these things in their community.
Penny Millson-Martula, the President of Agudath Sholom Congregation in Lynchburg, said people in her congregation also saw these flyers in their neighborhoods, and they're calling for it to stop.
It's not something we want in this country. It's something that can be very very harmful," Millson-Martula said. "Not just to us, but to everyone, to any minority."
Millson-Martula said the rhetoric is false.
"They're false, they're libelist, they're also disgusting," she said. "They need to consider what their actions mean."
She said the Lynchburg community is very supportive of their temple, and she hopes they'll continue to stand by as these flyers circulate.
When they hear it in speech, they will stand up for us, and when they see it happen, they will stand up for us," she said.