Eugene Chief of Police Chris Skinner says extensive swastika graffiti was painted in parts of the city, including businesses and public areas. (Photo courtesy Amy Baker)
On Wednesday morning, employees at Threadbare Print House in Eugene arrived to an unsettling scene.
"All along this area, there was probably up to 20 swastikas," said owner Amy Baker, who immediately contacted police and went to work removing the offensive graffiti. "I didn't feel scared, i felt disappointed that people could do something so hateful."
But Baker says out of this awful situation came a community ready to support her small business.
"People stopped by and brought us flowers, people offered to donate paint, everyone was offering to come clean it up; I was blown away."
Baker used the opportunity to take a stand against hate, offering community members free printing on Thursday.
"We'll print the message, 'Hate has no place here.'"
Isis Barone, manager of the local NAACP office, says the incident sheds light on a bigger issue.
"It brings the community back together and more aware that this kind of thing happens a lot."
As people lined up to show their support for the shop they also hope to send a message to the greater community.
"It will not happen in our neighborhood," said Michael Carrigan with Community Alliance of Lane County, "together we can take action and we can stop hate. I think it brings people together and shows that there's support in their community."