Three Jewish students were badly beaten by a group of 11 men at the Indiana University, according to a security footage posted Sunday. According to Indiana Daily Student newspaper, the fight broke out between members of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity and the Jewish Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, the members of which apparently tried to enter a party at the Pi Kappa Phi house uninvited.
In the footage, the three students are seen being badly beaten while the 11 men are reportedly heard saying “He’s a fucking douche,” and “F*** that kid,” during the fight.
According to unconfirmed reports, the students were also called antisemitic slurs. Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity said the three suffered concussions as a result of the assault. The full video can be seen below.
Video Footage Credit: BDS Report
The University issued the below statement and have placed the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity on an “organizational Cease and Desist, meaning members may not host to participate in organizational activities”.