A Boca Community High School student, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she has been the target of hateful remarks and incessant bullying at the hands of her peers since she transferred to the school one year ago.
“They would keep saying I should burn in the oven, that I’m not supposed to be here,” the teen told CBS12 News in an interview.
“If I answer a question correctly, they’ll say “oh the Jew knows it, she’s a dirty Jew. Jews aren’t smart,” she said.
The teen told her guardian, Yvonne Ricardo, about the hateful words. She also told CBS12 she shot video on her cellphone from inside the school and shared it with her guardian.
“They saw tape on the wall and they started taking the tape down and using it to draw a swastika on the wall,” the teen explained to CBS12 News.
This was captured by her cellphone camera, and Ricardo says she met with the school principal and a school police officer to discuss it.
Still, the teen says she still feels unsafe in the hallways and isn’t ready to go back to school.
“I don’t want to walk into school or anywhere for that matter and not wear my Jewish star and be proud of who I am. I want to show off who I am but you can’t do it when you’re being pushed down to the ground and told you’re worthless,” she said.
CBS12 News reached out to the Palm Beach School District and District Police, but they could only confirm that there is an active criminal investigation into the incident.