In an interview late Wednesday, Deputy Chief Uday Jaswal said the National Capital Commission notified police that the monument had been pelted with eggs. The incident was reported around 4 p.m.
“We engaged our hate crime response with respect to that incident,” Jaswal said. “It’s incredibly offensive.”
Jaswal asked anyone with information about the crime to contact Det. Ali Toghrol at 613-236-1222 ext. 5453.
In a statement on Twitter, Chief Peter Sloly said the incident is “completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Incidents such as this are deeply disturbing to many communities especially when they target specific groups,” he said.
Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada, thanked the Ottawa police for investigating the incident as a hate crime. “Seventy-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, it is morally repulsive that Jews are still targeted by antisemites,” Mostyn said late Wednesday.