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Police Investigating Antisemitic White Nationalist Flyers Found in Vancouver

“White man, you are not alone,” was part of a message shared on flyers across East Vancouver this past week.

One resident named April says they found a flyer posted to their fence Saturday night. They say the flyers were left on several properties along Earl Street. “I walked down the street and I saw a bunch of flyers on people’s lawns. It’s very upsetting,” they say. “It was very unsettling and concerning there are flyers asking people to join a white nationalist group. It’s kind of terrifying to see it in your neighborhood.”

The flyer accuses universities, mainstream media, and the government of so-called anti-white propaganda.

It’s a tactic often used by some to create division, Ran Ukashi, the national director for the League For Human Rights, B’Nai Brith Canada explains.

“The plain meaning there is that there’s some sort of racial attack against white people through a broad array of other attackers or enemies and what have you,” he says. “Whether it’s Jews or other groups are responsible for whatever plight they wish to imagine or ascribe to some imagined pure white race.”

He says the timing of the flyers showing up just a few days before International Holocaust Remembrance Day most likely was no coincidence. “We do see around Jewish holidays and uptaken antisemitic sentiment, so it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the timing was in fact deliberate.”

Vancouver police are aware of the flyers and say they’ve been reported in other areas of the city as well, including the Kingsway and Killarney neighborhoods. The VPD’s Criminal Investigations Unit and Hate Crimes Investigators are also looking into the incidents.