“In the aftermath of the Jersey City attack on December 10, a neo-Nazi group on social media platforms expressed favorable views of the shooters and their methods and paid homage to previous attacks. Online group members celebrated the attack and called for a continuation of violence against Jewish Americans and law enforcement officers,” NJOHSP Director Jared Maples wrote in his 2020 Terrorism Threat Assessment report.
“The group praised Anderson and Graham as ‘non-white heroes,’ along with previous minority attackers. These responses came during and after the incident, highlighting how race-based attacks are likely to inspire like-minded individuals to commit further acts of violence.”
David Anderson and Francine Graham took four innocent lives after opening fire from inside the JC Kosher Supermarket on Martin Luther King Drive, turning the street into a warzone as hundreds of members of law enforcement worked to subdue the threat.
They are characterized by Maples as “black separatist extremists” in the section of the report detailings domestic extremist attacks in 2019.
He characterizes that group, mostly affiliated with the New Black Panther Party and the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ, as “a moderate threat” throughout the state.
Also according to the TTA report, only 44 domestic terrorism incidents took place in the United States last year, one of which “had a nexus to New Jersey” – including the tragedy in Jersey City that claimed four innocent lives: Police Det. Joseph Seals, Mindel Ferencz, Douglas Miguel Rodriguez, and Moshe Deutsch.
In the forewords to his report, Maples paid tribute to Seals, echoing previous sentiment that his sentiment prevented December 10th from being an even worse day than it was.
“The fight against terrorism at home and abroad is represented by individuals such as Detective Seals, whose heroic sacrifice in Jersey City saved countless lives,” he wrote.
Furthemore, while six homegrown violent extremists were arrested in New Jersey or New York last year, “there are no credible threats” in NJ, according to the TTA findings.
In conclusion, Maples believes the NJOHSP is ready to encounter both existing terroristic threats and new ones as they develop.
“The ever-changing threat landscape in New Jersey and around the country requires us to adjust our strategies to anticipate new threats while remaining ready to combat those already existing,” he said in a statement that coincided with the release of the report.
“We will continue to develop and share the latest intelligence alongside our partners to support counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and preparedness efforts throughout the State.”
Additionally, the report says that there is a sparse number of “white supremacist propaganda” locations in Hudson County, though it does not go into any specifics. The analysis was released just hours after The Associated Press released bodycam footage of Jersey City police officers involved in the December 10th shout out.