Update April 15: A juvenile boy and another male have been identified as the individuals responsible for spray painting antisemitic and lewd images in Bedford; Police state they will enter diversion programs versus being charged with a crime. More here.
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Bedford officials are investigating two incidents over the weekend where racist and antisemitic graffiti was found in town. Swastikas and "other inappropriate and racist content," was painted along the back of a private building at Great Road Shopping Center, and on a storage shed at Shawsheen Cemetery. The graffiti was found on Friday evening and again on Saturday afternoon.
Bedford police are working with the district attorney's office to investigate the incident and review surveillance camera footage from the areas.
Sarah Stanton, Bedford Town Manager, said the act must be "condemned in the strongest possible terms." Stanton reflected on a similar hate act that took place five years ago and how the community came together to condemn it.
"This incident is evidence that no community, even one as welcoming as Bedford, is immune from hatred and that we must remain ever vigilant in denouncing these acts and in supporting efforts to combat bigotry and hatred in any form," Stanton said.
She added that the town will continue to work closely with groups to promote diversity and inclusion. The town plans to continue its work with the Bedford Response System in Voluntary Partnership (RSVP), the Bedford Interfaith Clergy Network, Bedford Embraces Diversity and the Anti-Defamation League.
The Bedford Interfaith Clergy Network said the incidents can add frustration to an already uncertain time amid the coronavirus pandemic:
"Expression of hate, especially symbols of white supremacy, have no place in our community, and do not reflect the values of inclusivity, mutual respect, and curiosity about difference that define who we are. As we enter holy days this week for Christians and Jews alike, we affirm that the divine image of beloved community includes all people, and we pledge to continue working in our own traditions and with others to replace hatred with respect, ignorance with understanding, and animosity with shalom," said the network.