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Antisemitism Takes the Spotlight at Columbus, Ohio Rally Thanks to Veteran Criminal

A photo from Saturday’s stay-at-home protest at the Columbus Ohio Statehouse created a firestorm on Social Media for its antisemitic message. The photograph captured two men in a minivan; one held a sign with an illustration of rodent with the Star of David on its side and the words “The Real Plague.” The man has since been identified as Matt Slatzer from Canton, Ohio and has an extensive criminal record including crimes for domestic battery, assault, weapon possession, and drug related charges.

The protest movement against coronavirus restrictions has been a mishmash of people. Some adhere to public health officials’ guidance of distancing themselves at least 6 feet apart and wearing masks; they want to return to work. On the more extreme are others who call coronavirus a hoax.

But the vile antisemitism drowned out all their messages. State Rep. Casey Weinstein, a Hudson Democrat and a Jew, posted on Twitter another photo of the men outside the minivan at the protest. He wasn’t at the protest but he followed it on social media.

“There are symbols of hatred mixed in," he said. “I think it’s important to call that out. I’m not going to let that pass. I’m not. There are people out there exercising their rights. By no means am I saying they’re all antisemitic, they’re all racists, but there is an element there.”

Weinstein said that the protestors have a constitutional right to protest -- Ohio’s stay-at-home order specifically carves out “First Amendment-protected speech.”

“I’m glad to support everyone’s First Amendment right to express their view, and I will gladly exercise mine to push back on antisemitism whenever and wherever I see it,” Weinstein said.