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Arizona Elementary Principal Fired After Sending Out Antisemitic, Racists Text Messages to Staff

Heritage Elementary School in Glendale, Arizona has parted ways with its principal on Monday after an employee posted to Facebook a series of vile antisemitic and racist messages the principal, Justin Dye, had sent to the employee.

Heritage Superintendent Jackie Trujillo stated Principal Dye was no longer employed by the school and she recommend that Heritage's school board terminate its contracts with Dye's transportation, preschool and after-school programs run through the school. 

Danielle Elkin, Heritage's events planner, recently posted to her Facebook page the antisemitic and racist messages she received from Dye in January. "What do you get when you cross a black person and a Jewish person? The loudest/cheapest thief in town. He steals pennies, holds on to them, and then screams about it to everybody. I just made that up on the fly, what do you guys thing? Cleaver?" Dye wrote in a text to Elkin and her sister. Elkin is Jewish.

Dye, who two years ago was accused of sexually harassing female staff and not paying bonuses to teachers who had earned them, could not be reached at the school or on his cell phone.

Elkin said she didn't”Dye, who two years ago was accused of sexually harassing female staff and not paying bonuses to teachers who had earned them, could not be reached at the school or on his cell phone.

Elkin said she didn't take her concerns to Dye's supervisor in January because school executives had stood by Dye the last two years through the allegations of sexual harassment and that Dye had shorted teachers on their pay. 

In an interview with The Republic, Elkin said Dye sent the texts after he visited her house to see her baby. During the visit, Elkin said Dye made other inappropriate comments.

Elkin said she told Dye earlier this year that his texts were inappropriate, but she said he never apologized. "It wasn't funny to me," said Elkin of the messages. Elkin said she waited to post the messages to Facebook until after receiving her final paycheck from Heritage on Friday.

Elkin said Dye called her Sunday night, pleading with her to take down the Facebook post because it would harm his reputation and the school's. Trujillo said Dye had called her at 1 a.m. on Monday to tell her about the social media post and to say that he was sorry.

Legal claims alleging that Dye and another school official sexually harassed two former teachers and created a hostile work environment are ongoing, Trujillo said. Elkin said there is systemic racism at the school, which has a large number of minority students. Elkin said an employee once gave a note to Dye that said a "nice white family" was interested in enrolling at Heritage.