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Holocaust Survivor Group Gets "Zoombombed" with Swastikas, Foul Antisemitic Language

Voices of Hope, a Farmington-based non-profit that educates people about the Holocaust, was virtually attacked during a recent Zoom meeting.

Farmington police are calling this a hate crime and are investigating. A recording of the Zoom meeting shows one participating saying they are a “second generation Holocaust survivor.” Then, someone else made a comment, saying “Ha ha the Holocaust never happened,” which caused immediate concern.

Voices of Hope, the host of the meeting, tried to stop it, but the attacks kept coming. The Zoom meeting’s guest speaker was Daphne Geismar, whose family survived the Holocaust.

As soon as she put up some drawings from her grandfather’s journal, someone started putting up swastikas.

“It’s right to the heart when something like this happens. It’s on my door-step, it’s no different than somebody spraying a swastika on the synagogue I belong to,” said Peter Fishman, president of Voices of Hope; his mother is a Holocaust survivor .

The man who spoke came up on the Zoom as “Mike Richard,” but there may have been more.

Hate crimes are a felony in Connecticut, with fines up to $3,000.