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New Jersey Police Looking for Person Vandalizing Cemeteries with Antisemitic, Racist Graffiti

Police in Hamilton Township, Mercer County are trying to find the person they believe is behind four separate instances of racist and antisemitic graffiti.

Since June, the hateful language has been appearing in the small roads between several cemeteries just off Cedar Lane, and in Shady Brook Park less than a mile away. In all four instances, police say the same racial slur was painted on the ground in red, the message threatening to kill Black people. The vandalism has since been covered up with black paint.

Police say the first graffiti was reported in June near St. Mary's Cemetery, and then more was reported on August 3rd and August 6th.

In the two cases earlier this month, detectives say swastikas were also drawn next to the racial slur. Police are calling the criminal mischief "bias intimidation," and have not been able to find a suspect.

Rabbi Ben Adler is with Adath Israel Congregation in Lawrenceville, which manages Ahavath Israel Cemetery on Ridge Ave. in Hamilton. He says a staff member discovered the graffiti just outside the entrance of that cemetery on Wednesday when they went there to check on the property.

"It's just awful that anyone would want to come to a place that's supposed to be one of peace and contemplation and being close to loved ones who are no longer there, and put those kinds of messages that are disturbing and hateful," said Adler. "People who hate one minority group tend to hate other minority groups."

Anyone with information should call the Hamilton Police Tip Hotline at (609) 581-4008 or email lmacarthur@hamiltonpd.org.