Someone painted two swastikas on the door of a Jewish temple in the Morgan Hill area of San Jose. Local authorities are investigating the vandalism as a hate crime, according to police.
The graffiti at Congregation Emeth, on the 17800 block of Monterey Road, was reported to the Morgan Hill Police Department at about 5pm on January 16th, authorities say.
“Unknown suspect(s) painted what appeared to be two swastikas on a basement door,” MHPD Sgt. Bill Norman said. Police have not identified or arrested a suspect.
Since 1945 the swastika has served as the most significant and notorious of hate symbols, antisemitism and white supremacy for most of the world outside of Asia.
The FBI defines a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.”
Anyone with information about the vandalism reported at Congregation Emeth can call Morgan Hill police at 408.779.2101.