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Jewish Journalist Assaulted at Seattle Pro Palestinian Rally

Thousands of anti-Israel activists marched through the streets of Seattle on Sunday calling for the destruction of Israel. This capped off a weekend of unrest and political violence in North America that saw anti-Semites march to "commemorate the 73rd year of the Palestinian catastrophe and on-going ethnic cleansing of Palestine."

Far-left protesters, including Antifa, met in downtown Seattle at Westlake Park at about 1 pm, rallying for Israel to be abolished. They burned an Israeli flag and assaulted pro-Israel civilians.

As the group rallied while spewing antisemitic hatred, chants of "Long live the intifada" rang out amongst those in attendance.

During the rally, a far-left fringe activist assaulted Jewish journalist and conservative radio show host Jason Rantz as he was documenting the chaos. Rantz was hit from behind with a Palestinian flag.