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Texas Neo-Nazi Arrested After Planning Mass Shooting

An alleged neo-Nazi suspected of planning a mass shooting was arrested in Texas after authorities intercepted a message that indicated he was "preparing to proceed," the Kerr County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) said in a statement on Sunday.

Coleman Thomas Blevins, 28, made a specific threat to target a local Walmart store, KCSO said in the statement posted on Facebook, the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office announced in a Facebook post.

The Sheriff's Office posted an image of evidence apparently collected from Blevins's apartment that showed a rifle with multiple magazines, a flag depicting the swastika and other Nazi symbols and the national flag of Saudi Arabia. Books and hand-written documents were also seized by investigators, among which extremist books like “The Turner Diaries”.

The statement did not specify what kind of message had alerted authorities, but after intercepting it KCSO confirmed, with the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), that Belvin had the capability to follow through with the threat.

Blevins was arrested on a warrant for a "Terroristic Threat to Create Public Fear of Serious Bodily Injury," the statement said. Investigators from the sheriff’s office made contact with Blevins and confirmed “his affiliation and networking with extremist ideologies” and determined he was capable of “following through with the threat” so they “moved immediately to arrest him,” police said.

Belvins is currently on active felony probation and is prohibited from possessing firearms. He is booked into the Kerr County Jail where he remains.